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Archives for December 2010


Get ready for HTML5 Graphics: Start the new year learning SVG - Early bird rate expiring soon!

W3C is delighted to announce its latest online training course: Introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) which will start on Jan 10 2011. SVG is getting increasingly important for Web designers given that SVG now directly supported in HTML5 IE...

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Filed by Philipp Hoschka on December 31, 2010 6:05 PM in SVG, Technology, Training, Web Design
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New RDF Working Group, RDF/JSON, RDF APIā€¦

After long discussions the call for votes on a new RDF Working Group has been sent to W3C members; the goal is to set up a new W3C Working Group taking care of some technical issues around RDF. It was...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on December 8, 2010 8:37 AM in Semantic Web, Technology
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High Performance Web Socket Server

The Web still has a long way to go to fulfill its potential for distributed applications. HTTP and JSON have proven their worth, but can overload servers trying to handle large number of simultaneous connections. A promising new technology is...

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Filed by Dave Raggett on December 4, 2010 1:51 PM in Technology, Web Applications
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