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Archives for October 2010


W3C Technical Plenary: To HTML5 and beyond!

Next week is the annual W3C technical plenary, aka TPAC 2010. It brings together participants in the W3C Community for an energetic week of coordinated work and discussion. Some sessions during the middle of the week are relevant to the HTML platform and its future.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on October 29, 2010 5:04 PM in HTML, W3C Life, Web and TV
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My personal space

There is intense interest currently in Apple's success with a walled market for apps you install locally on the device. Developers get a route to market, and Apple helps with monetization in return for a substantial share in the money....

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Filed by Dave Raggett on October 21, 2010 2:44 PM in Web Applications
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New and Improved WCAG 2.0 Techniques

Today W3C WAI published updated Techniques for WCAG 2.0 and Understanding WCAG 2.0, following a public review and comment period. The WCAG Working Group is developing more techniques and would like your help...

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Filed by Shawn Henry on October 14, 2010 1:14 PM in Accessibility, Publications, Web Design
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Can Web people and TV people really get along?

Technically, TV and the Web are converging. Culturally and ideologically, it seems that we have a much bigger gap to navigate.

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Filed by Phil Archer on October 13, 2010 10:20 AM in Social Networking, Video, Web and TV
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CSS WG specs

Some of you have noticed that some specs in the CSS Working Group (Selectors for instance) remain in Proposed Recommendation status and don't move to REC even if it seems there is no blocker. That is and will be the...

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Filed by Daniel Glazman on October 9, 2010 5:00 PM in CSS
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HTML5: The jewel in the Open Web Platform

The Open Web Platform to us is HTML5, a game-changing suite of tools that incorporates SVG, CSS and other standards that are in various stages of development and implementation by the community at W3C. At this stage community feedback plays an important role in ensuring that the HTML5 specification is the highest quality.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on October 8, 2010 8:22 PM in HTML
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Introducing the Web Font Awards

Introducing the Web Font Awards – a design competition for websites using Web fonts. Help celebrate the newfound typographic freedom that Web designers are enjoying by entering your site into the Web Font Awards.

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Filed by Vladimir Levantovsky on October 4, 2010 7:56 PM in CSS, Technology, Web Design
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Privacy Dashboard - Find out what you are sharing

Have you ever wondered what information is being collected as you browse the Web? The Privacy Dashboard is a Firefox extension that enables you to see some of the practices that websites are using, e.g. whether they include 3rd party...

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Filed by Dave Raggett on October 4, 2010 5:13 PM in Privacy
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