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Archives for September 2010


Lessons from Harvard's Kennedy School on Technology and Governance 2.0

Unlike political campaigns in this year’s US election cycle, it was refreshing to observe for a change, personal and institutional vulnerability being treated openly and respectfully in a political context. The context was an event I attended last week titled...

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Filed by Karen Myers on September 27, 2010 9:41 PM in Semantic Web, Social Networking, eGov
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SVG Training at W3C (early bird ends Friday 1st October)

The early bird period for the new W3C online training course Introduction to SVG ends this Friday, 1st October.

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Filed by Phil Archer on September 27, 2010 8:41 PM in SVG, Training, Web Design
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One Web Day and W3C Community Groups

Happy One Web Day from Web standards land! One of the themes for One Web Day 2010 is "the internet model" which "relies on processes and products that are local, bottom-up, and accessible to users around the world." I'm...

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Filed by Ian Jacobs on September 22, 2010 5:03 PM in W3C Life
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How do we test a Web browser? (one year after)

The situation with regards to testing at W3C is improving a bit but is still far from ideal. Various groups are different ways to test implementations and are all lacking resources to improve their test suites. We need your help now to build the next open Web platform and make HTML5 a real success!

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on September 15, 2010 1:06 PM in CSS, HTML, SVG
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HTML5: Getting to Last Call

All new bugs related to the HTML5 specification received after the first October 2010 will be treated as Last Call comments, with possible exceptions granted by the Chairs. The intention is to get to the initial Last Call and have a feature complete document.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on September 10, 2010 4:03 PM in HTML
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Web on TV workshop in Japan

The Web on TV workshop in Japan brings TV broadcasters, device makers, and Web companies at the same table. Around 130 participants are attending the workshop, making it the biggest W3C workshop ever. The main topic of the workshop is how, going forward, we apply Web technologies, in particular HTML5, to the television set.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on September 2, 2010 11:11 PM in HTML, Video, Workshops
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