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Archives for April 2010


New Release of the W3C Cheat Sheet

Back in November, I announced the first release of the W3C cheat sheet, a compact, mobile-friendly Web application that allows to look up keywords in various W3C specifications, as well as to access various guidelines and best practices at...

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Filed by Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux on April 27, 2010 7:11 AM in Tools
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RDFa 1.1 version of the pyRdfa distiller

W3C has just published a First Public Working Draft for RDFa 1.1 Core and XHTML+RDFa 1.1. Yay! I did have an RDFa Distiller software and service for RDFa 1.0. Well, I did spend some time in the past few weeks...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on April 22, 2010 3:02 PM in HTML, Semantic Web, Technology
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Volcanic ash, Europe, and W3C

I've been to Europe numerous times, but last week was my first visit as CEO of W3C. The meetings were good: with Member companies, prospects, government officials, executives of other standards organizations, press, W3C staff, and other colleagues at ERCIM....

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Filed by Jeff Jaffe on April 19, 2010 5:14 PM in CEO
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Why does the address bar show the tempolink instead of the permalink?

An important feature of HTTP is the temporary redirect, where a resource can have a "permanent" URI while its content moves from place to place over time. For example, http://purl.org/syndication/history/1.0 remains a constant name for that resource even though its...

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Filed by Jonathan Rees on April 19, 2010 1:59 PM in Web Architecture
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