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Archives for February 2010


Web Compatibility Test strikes back

We did it again! Back in 2008, the Mobile Web Test Suites Working Group released its first Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers that packed 12 (and later, 16) important Web technologies into a single page that would tell you...

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Filed by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux on February 23, 2010 4:00 PM in Mobile
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Working Group Publication Requests and Approval

In response to some questions about W3C process from the past few days, a brief FAQ is being published regarding the Working Group publication requests and approval.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on February 16, 2010 5:04 PM in Publications, W3C Life
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Date and place of the 'RDF Next Step' Workshop settled

A few weeks ago W3C announced the organization of an "RDF Next Steps" Workshop. At the time of the announcement the dates and the place of the Workshop were not settled yet. They are now... The Workshop will indeed take...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on February 10, 2010 1:41 PM in Meetings, Semantic Web, Workshops
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W3C Chairs angels

Some of you are familiar with the W3C Chairs angels, three home-made bots living in IRC, that are truly essential to the W3C Working Groups conducting their work on the phone: Trackbot, the toolbox, is the bot for creating and...

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Filed by Coralie Mercier on February 8, 2010 3:52 PM in Meetings, Opinions and Editorial, W3C Life
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Small add-ons to the RDFa distiller

A small addition has been made on the RDFa distiller service (pyRdfa): there is now a possibility to upload an XHTML file to be distilled, beyond referring to a URI or copying a text to a text box. This feature...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on February 8, 2010 2:55 PM in Semantic Web, Technology, Tools
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 and maintained by Coralie Mercier.
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