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Archives for March 2009


A rough view of the future

A (rough) vision of future Web technologies working together.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on March 24, 2009 6:52 PM in HTML, SVG, Technology, Video, XML
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News from the Video Media Annotations front

More and more multimedia objects (images, videos, music) are available on the Web. A key for accessing these objects (e.g. in a search engine) is to master the variety of metadata about the author of a media object, its creation...

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Filed by Coralie Mercier on March 20, 2009 7:30 PM in Video
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Today we made public our beta of the redesigned W3C Web site. I am sure we will learn a lot now that it is live. Last night, as I was thinking about what to highlight in this post, I concluded...

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Filed by Ian Jacobs on March 20, 2009 4:54 PM in Bugs Life, W3C Life
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Food, agriculture, and SKOS

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has a number of (online) publications (e.g., “Food, Nutrition and Agriculture”). As all such sites, they also have to offer an easy way to search through the articles, find the right papers based...

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Filed by Ivan Herman on March 20, 2009 8:42 AM in Publications, Semantic Web, Technology, W3C・Resources
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