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Archives for September 2007


Setting the default style sheet language on your Web site

Very often Web creators are using an external style sheet, or a style element to add style information to their html pages. By doing, we specify what is the style language used in the Web page. For example using the...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on September 27, 2007 6:45 AM in CSS, HTML, HTTP, Technology 101
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Video on the Web

W3C will be looking at the impact and challenges of video on the Web in the upcoming months and will have a workshop on Video on the Web. So, if you have a strong opinion about what should happen at that workshop (or what shouldn't), don't hesitate to contact us.

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Filed by Philippe Le Hégaret on September 18, 2007 6:16 PM in Opinions and Editorial, Technology, Video, W3C Life
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Log Validator 1.2: new features we didn't know we wanted.

On the occasional benefit of opening a mostly-internal tool to some odd feature request: a new Log Validator sees the day, with plenty of bugs fixed.

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Filed by olivier Théreaux on September 10, 2007 9:10 AM in Bugs Life
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SVG Open 2007 - Day 2

There is a typhoon approaching Tokyo, light rain and sun alternating with heat soaking everything. Cultural Diversity and the Responsibility of Technology KOBAYASHI Tatsuo is introducing in a very nice way is topics by introducing himself in all languages of...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on September 5, 2007 12:43 AM in Meetings, Technology
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SVG Open 2007 Live from Tokyo

SVG open 2007 has started this morning in Tokyo. A list of papers about SVG are available on the Web site. SVG 101 A bright sun, it is 9:56am, and I'm following a session given by Doug Schepers on SVG...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on September 4, 2007 12:55 AM in Meetings, Technology, Technology 101
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