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Archives for July 2007


Web Standards Do - the Way of Web Standards

The WebStandardsDo, or ‘Way of the Web Standards’ is a humorous take at principles of Web quality, viewed through the filter of the Bushido, the Samurai's code of Honor. It is a companion to a talk given at the Days of Web Standards Conference, in Tokyo on July 15th, 2007.

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Filed by olivier Théreaux on July 15, 2007 1:00 AM in Technology
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Why HTML 5 Specification Matters?

This is a simple story. The story of an HTML bug. Like every stories, it could start with… Once upon a time, there was a bug. The bug and its consequences A known HTML page contains a similar piece of...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on July 6, 2007 6:30 AM in HTML
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HTML Classes of Products and Authoring

Rene Saarsoo has published a survey of Coding practices of Web pages. It contains a lot of very useful information for those who try to understand how the Web is authored in the wild. One of the major concerns of...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on July 6, 2007 1:49 AM in HTML, Reference
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WASP's Education Task Force Curriculum Survey

If you are involved in teaching the web, this survey created by the Education Task Force of the Web Standards Project is for you. Take a few minutes of your time, and help them build a better curriculum for the future Web professionals.

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Filed by olivier Théreaux on July 4, 2007 6:53 AM in Web Spotting
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HTML elements from HTML 3.2 to XHTML 2.0

Jens Meiert published recently a very cool list of all HTML elements from HTML 3.2 to XHTML 2.0. It is very interesting to visualize the list of elements. I see a few possible possible improvements on this list. definition of...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on July 2, 2007 1:49 AM in HTML
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