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Archives for May 2005


“WaSP asks W3C", Adding Multimedia in Web Documents (part 2) published

Last week, in a new instance of the WaSP asks W3C project, the QA Team completed its answer on Adding Multimedia in Web Documents with more details on the use and implementation of the object tag in HTML. Discussion and...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on May 31, 2005 12:50 AM in HTML, Publications, Tutorials
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Test FAQ

The QA Working Group has released a Test FAQ. The 17 questions it addresses match the different topics the QA Working Group has found particularly important for most Working Groups in W3C and incorporate examples and ideas from various existing...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on May 11, 2005 1:00 AM in Publications
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“More About Custom DTD" article published in A List Apart

The QA Team has written an article for A List Apart, entitled More About Custom DTDs, explaining when custom DTDs make sense, and when they don't....

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Filed by Karl Dubost on May 11, 2005 12:57 AM in HTML, Publications, Tutorials
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