#line 42 "ag-ftp.c-nw" static char copyright[] = "Copyright 1994 NBBI, Den Haag"; #define NO_X11 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAXSTR 256 static struct { /* Describes one connection */ char mime_type[MAXSTR]; int len; /* Of mime_type */ Bool type_known; /* mime_type valid? */ pid_t child; } *conn_info[FD_SETSIZE]; static Strip FILE_T = NULL; static Strip FTP_T = NULL; static Strip LOCALHOST_T = NULL; #line 73 "ag-ftp.c-nw" static char *image(char ftype, char *fname) { Bool binary; char *type, *encoding; if (ftype == 'd') return "&folder;"; else if (! URL_infer_type(fname, FALSE, &type, &encoding, &binary)) return "&unknown.document;"; else if (eq(type, "application/x-tar")) return "&archive;"; else if (eq(type, "application/binary")) return "&binary.document;"; else if (n_eq(type, "image/", 6)) return "ℑ"; else if (n_eq(type, "text/", 5)) return "&text.document;"; else if (eq(encoding, "x-compress")) return "&compressed.document;"; else if (eq(encoding, "x-gzip")) return "&compressed.document;"; else if (eq(encoding, "x-uuencode")) return "&uuencoded.document;"; else return "&document;"; } #line 104 "ag-ftp.c-nw" static char ftp_cmd(FILE *f, char *buf, char *format, ...) { va_list args; char s[BUFSIZ], c; int n; if (format) { /* Command to send? */ va_start(args, format); fflush(f); vfprintf(f, format, args); putc('\015', f); putc('\012', f); fflush(f); va_end(args); } if (!fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, f)) return '5'; /* Read response into buf */ if (buf[3] == '-') /* Read continuation lines */ while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f) && (s[3] != ' ' || !n_eq(s, buf, 3))) ; /* debug("-> %s", buf); */ return buf[0]; /* Return status code */ } #line 131 "ag-ftp.c-nw" static FILE *open_data_socket(FILE *f) { char s[BUFSIZ], dataaddr[100], dataport[100]; int i, h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2; int datasock; if (ftp_cmd(f, s, "PASV") != '2') return NULL; for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) if (!isdigit(s[i])) s[i] = ' '; if (sscanf(s+4, "%d%d%d%d%d%d",&h1,&h2,&h3,&h4,&p1,&p2) != 6) return NULL; sprintf(dataaddr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", h1, h2, h3, h4); sprintf(dataport, "%d", 256 * p1 + p2); if ((datasock = connectTCP(dataaddr, dataport)) < 0) return NULL; return fdopen(datasock, "r+"); } #line 156 "ag-ftp.c-nw" /* child_process -- retrieve file or directory and write it to pipe */ static void child_process(const char *url, int pipe_fd) { static char spaces[] = " "; FILE *pipef, *f, *datasock; int n, day, status; long size; char *type, *encoding, *p, *prot, *dummy, *month, *time_or_year, *name; char buf[BUFSIZ], this_year[3], path[1024]; Bool binary, is_year; URI uri; struct passwd *pwent; /* Info about user */ struct hostent *phe; /* Info about localhost */ char host[1024], e_mail[1024] = "WWWuser"; /* Name of local machine */ char *username, *systemname, *password, *port; time_t tm; /* debug("child_process writing to %d\n", pipe_fd); */ if (! (pipef = fdopen(pipe_fd, "w"))) { /* debug("FTP child exited with an error\n"); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if (! URL_parse(url, &uri) /* Analyze URL */ || (uri.tp!=URI_Rel && uri.scheme!=FTP_T && uri.scheme!=FILE_T)) { fprintf(pipef, "400\n"); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child exited with an error: incorrect URL\n"); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if (! URL_infer_type(strip2str(uri.path), FALSE, &type, &encoding, &binary)) { /* debug("Type not known, defaulting to text/plain\n"); */ binary = TRUE; type = newstring("text/plain"); encoding = newstring("8bit"); } dispose(encoding); /* Not implemented yet */ /* Try local file first */ /* debug("scheme=%s host=%s path=\"%s\"\n", strip2str(uri.scheme), strip2str(uri.host), strip2str(uri.path)); */ assert(FILE_T == str2strip("file")); assert(LOCALHOST_T == str2strip("localhost")); if (uri.tp == URI_Rel || (uri.scheme==FILE_T && uri.host==LOCALHOST_T)){ p = strip2str(uri.path); /* debug("Try local file \"%s\"\n", p); */ if ((f = fopen(p, "r"))) { /* debug("FTP child: found local file %s, type=%s\n", strip2str(uri.path), type); */ fprintf(pipef, "200 %s\n", type); /* Status and MIME type */ /* debug("--> 200 %s\n", type); /* Status and MIME type */ while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f)) > 0) fwrite(buf, 1, n, pipef); /* debug("FTP child completed successfully\n"); */ exit(0); /* Stop process */ } /* debug("%s\n", strerror(errno)); */ } /* Find out who we are */ if ((pwent = getpwuid(getuid())) && (gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) == 0) && (phe = gethostbyname(host))) sprintf(e_mail, "%s@%s", pwent->pw_name, phe->h_name); username = uri.user ? strip2str(uri.user) : "anonymous"; password = uri.user && uri.passw ? strip2str(uri.passw) : e_mail; port = uri.port ? strip2str(uri.port) : "21"; /* Open a socket connection and log in */ if (! (f = fdopen(connectTCP(strip2str(uri.host), port), "r+"))) { (void) fprintf(pipef, "400\n"); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child exited with an error: couldn't open connection\n"); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, NULL) != '2') { /* Read welcome msg */ (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if ((status = ftp_cmd(f, buf, "USER %s", username)) == '3') if ((status = ftp_cmd(f, buf, "PASS %s", password)) == '3') status = ftp_cmd(f, buf, "ACCT %s", "noaccount"); if (status != '2') { (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "SYST") != '2') { /* Ask for system type */ (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } systemname = newstring(tokenize(buf + 4, " \t\r\n", &p)); if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "TYPE %c", binary ? 'I' : 'A') != '2') { (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } /* Ask remote server to create passive socket, connect to it */ if (! (datasock = open_data_socket(f))) { (void) fprintf(pipef, "400\n"); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } /* Try to retrieve as file */ if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "RETR %s", strip2str(uri.path)) == '1') { fprintf(pipef, "200 %s\n", type); /* Status and MIME type */ /* debug("--> 200 %s\n", type); /* Status and MIME type */ while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), datasock)) > 0) fwrite(buf, 1, n, pipef); /* debug("FTP: child completed successfully\n"); */ exit(0); /* Stop process */ } /* Try to interpret path as directory */ if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "CWD %s", strip2str(uri.path)) != '2') { (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } if (case_eq(systemname, "unix")) { /* Unix => use long listing */ if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "LIST") != '1') { (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP: child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } tm = time(NULL); strftime(this_year, sizeof(this_year), "%y", localtime(&tm)); strcpy(path, strip2str(uri.path)); n = strlen(path); if (path[n-1] != '/') strcpy(path + n, "/"); fprintf(pipef, "200 text/html\n"); /* Status and MIME type */ fprintf(pipef, "%s\n", strip2str(uri.path)); fprintf(pipef, "


\n", strip2str(uri.path));
        fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), datasock);      /* Skip first line */
        while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), datasock)) {
            /* debug("FTP child read: %s", buf); */
            prot = tokenize(buf, " \r\n", &p);
            dummy = tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p);   /* # Of links */
            dummy = tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p);   /* Owner */
            dummy = tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p);   /* Group */
            size = atol(tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p));
            month = tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p);
            day = atoi(tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p));
            time_or_year = tokenize(p, " \r\n", &p);
            name = tokenize(p, "\r\n", &p);
            is_year = strlen(time_or_year) == 4;
            fprintf(pipef, "%s ",
                    image(prot[0], name), path, name);
            n = fprintf(pipef, "%s ", name);
            if (n < sizeof(spaces)) fprintf(pipef, "%s", spaces + n);
            fprintf(pipef, "%02d-%s-%s %s %5ldK\n", day, month,
                    is_year ? time_or_year + 2 : this_year,
                    is_year ? "00:00" : time_or_year,
                    (size + 512)/1024);
        fprintf(pipef, "
\n"); /* debug("FTP: child completed successfully\n"); */ exit(0); /* Stop process */ } /* Not Unix, use plain list */ if (ftp_cmd(f, buf, "NLST") != '1') { (void) fprintf(pipef, "%s", buf); /* Error status code */ /* debug("FTP child error: %s\n", buf); */ exit(1); /* Stop process */ } fprintf(pipef, "200 %s\n", type); /* Status and MIME type */ while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), datasock)) > 0) fwrite(buf, 1, n, pipef); /* debug("FTP: child completed successfully\n"); */ exit(0); /* Stop process */ } #line 343 "ag-ftp.c-nw" static Bool read_mime_type(int fd) { char c = ' '; while (read(fd, &c, 1) > 0 && c != '\n') conn_info[fd]->mime_type[conn_info[fd]->len++] = c; if (c == '\n') { conn_info[fd]->mime_type[conn_info[fd]->len] = '\0'; conn_info[fd]->type_known = TRUE; /* debug("FTP child: MIME type = %s\n", conn_info[fd]->mime_type); */ } return conn_info[fd]->type_known; } EXPORT Bool initFTP(char ***protocols, int *nrprotocols) { static char *proto[] = {"ftp", "file"}; /* Support 2 protocols */ *protocols = proto; *nrprotocols = 2; FILE_T = str2strip("file"); FTP_T = str2strip("ftp"); LOCALHOST_T = str2strip("localhost"); return TRUE; } EXPORT int openFTP(const char *url, int method, int flags, const char *referer) { int fd[2]; /* Pipe */ long c, tblsiz; pid_t child; if (pipe(fd) < 0) return -1; /* Create pipe */ switch ((child = fork())) { /* Fork process */ case -1: return -1; /* Out of processes */ case 0: /* debug("FTP: child is alive\n"); */ /* Close all unneeded files */ tblsiz = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); for (c = 3; c < tblsiz; c++) if (c != fd[1]) (void) close(c); child_process(url, fd[1]); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (close(fd[1]) < 0) return -1; /* I/O Error */ if ((flags & O_NONBLOCK) && fcntl(fd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) return -1; /* I/O error */ new(conn_info[fd[0]]); conn_info[fd[0]]->len = 0; conn_info[fd[0]]->type_known = FALSE; conn_info[fd[0]]->child = child; return fd[0]; } EXPORT Bool doneFTP(int fd) { return TRUE; /* No need to call doneFTP */ } EXPORT int peekFTP(int fd) { #ifndef howmany #define howmany(x,y) (((x)+((y)-1))/(y)) #endif #define NRBITS (sizeof(int) * 8) /* 8 bits per byte */ int mask[howmany(FD_SETSIZE, NRBITS)]; struct timeval timeout; int n, i; timeout.tv_sec = 0; /* Wait 0 seconds */ timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* .. and 0 milliseconds */ for (i = 0; i < howmany(FD_SETSIZE, NRBITS); i++) mask[i] = 0; mask[fd/NRBITS] |= 1 << (fd % NRBITS); if ((n = select(fd + 1, mask, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) == -1) return -1; return n; /* 0 or 1 */ } #line 436 "ag-ftp.c-nw" EXPORT int readFTP(int fd, char *buffer, size_t nbytes) { if (! conn_info[fd]->type_known && ! read_mime_type(fd)) return -1; return read(fd, buffer, nbytes); } EXPORT int writeFTP(int fd, const char *buf, size_t nbytes) { errno = ENYI; /* Not Yet Implemented */ return -1; } EXPORT Bool closeFTP(int fd) { (void) kill(conn_info[fd]->child, SIGHUP); (void) waitpid(conn_info[fd]->child, NULL, 0); dispose(conn_info[fd]); return close(fd) >= 0; } EXPORT Bool deleteFTP(const char *url) { errno = ENYI; /* Not Yet Implemented */ return -1; } EXPORT Bool infoFTP(int fd, W3ADocumentInfo *buf) { if (! conn_info[fd]->type_known && ! read_mime_type(fd)) return FALSE; dispose(buf->mime_type); dispose(buf->mime_params); buf->mime_type = newstring(conn_info[fd]->mime_type + 4); buf->mime_params = NULL; return TRUE; }