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From Web Commerce Interest Group
The email below will be discussed on an upcoming call on Merchants/Retailers outreach.
Email to Merchants/Retailers - template
Dear XYZ, We need your help and your input. As you may know, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Payments Interest Group [1] seeks to make Web payments easier and more secure, primarily through open standards. Through its membership and ongoing engagement with industry, the group identifies stakeholder priorities and standardization opportunities. The Interest Group proposed an initial standardization scope to the W3C Membership in August, and that standards group is expected to start by November 2015. This initial standardization is targeted at payment only; Merchants and Retailers obviously have additional concerns. For instance, alternative payment programs are often linked to digital marketing incentives and other types of loyalty focused activities. We want to gather the use cases that we may have missed and make sure that our continued work is meaningful in your areas of concern. Our plan is to present the aggregated use cases and requirements at our face to face meeting October 26 and 27, 2015. So time is short. If you are available, I'd like to set up a brief phone discussion with you, or we can work over email. I can also answer any questions you might have about the W3C Web Payments Activity, and how you might help us achieve our mutual goals. The questions below form a guide to the kind of information we're trying to gather. For scheduling reasons, a reply would be appreciated by 2 October if at all possible. Thank you, YOURNAME ===================== Questions: * Are there any general use cases for payment, important to your business, that are not currently enumerated in the Web Payments IG Use Cases[2]? If so, can you please enumerate them? * What payment schemes does your business currently accept? * What loyalty or coupon programs do you support and how are these related to payment? * Does your business require access to EFT (Foodstamps, government programs)? * Does your business sponsor any branded payment instruments? If so, are they: ** Rebranded from a standard card scheme? ** Created as a new payment channel for your business (e.g. ACH)? * Has your business created a mobile app (e.g. for payment or loyalty)? If so, what are the supported features? [1] http://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/ [2] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html