
Amaya/PICS Technical Details

The following changes were made to the source code of the standard Amaya distribution:


new procedures:
RootCall -- Called when the Rootmode button of the UI is clicked.
UserCall -- Called when the Usermode button of the UI is clicked.
GetRoot -- When called, will return a structure containing the encrypted root password, and the cryptographic salt used by the system, both of which are read out of /etc/passwd

new procedures:
PopUpPICSDialog -- Displays a dialog box that asks for the root password.
GetRootMode -- Checks whether Amaya is in root mode or user mode.
SetRootMode -- Puts Amaya into either root mode or user mode.

Existing procedures were modified to support the two new buttons on the button bar, and to support the new dialog type for PopUpPICSDialog

The two new icons for the two new buttons on the button bar.


Contains the Java native declarations for the new procedures in javaamaya.c listed above.

new procedures:
invalidUser -- Produces an error page when the user enters an incorrect password, when attempted to change a profile.
HostileMode -- Produces error pages for other error-causing conditions, such as a modified .thotrc file. (See the user documentation of Amaya/PICS for details on the error conditions).

The Get method was changed significantly to support filters. See the user documentation for details of how filters behave.

New package:
The PICS Standard library has been included (package w3c.pics.parser). It performs all the profile and label parsing, and all filter evaluation. It has its own documentation online.

17 December 97