Integration of CORBA and WWW: Magic without Tricks This paper illustrates the integration of two technologies - ORBs (Object Request Brokers) and W3 (WWW-World Wide Web). These technologies can be considered as tools offering a variety of benefits for software development. The resulting effects are baffling but achieved via simple and effective methods - both attributes of a good magic trick. However, we will illustrate that this piece of magic can be performed without the need for tricks, slides and concealment. In our approach HTML documents are used as user interface specifications for objects in an OMG/OMA environment. The documents are generated at runtime from OMG/IDL specifications which describe object interfaces. The documents contain links to an object constructor cgi script. This script issues dynamic request to the corresponding CORBA object implementations. The program also delivers the results in HTML. The user can select an object implementation and the object constructor is called by the W3 browser. It transforms the IDL interface information from the CORBA interface repository into HTML representation of the server interface. The HTML code is deliverd to the W3 browser. At this point the user can view the interfaces represented in a W3 format. Later the user makes a request while filling out data in the entry fields and begining an operation. The W3 browser calls the object constructor in the same manner as before and provides all the input data (mainly the parameter values of the operation). The object constructor once again makes a DII call to the object implementation. The operation will be executed if it exist otherwise the exception handling will transmit an error message. The result is to pass on in the same manner as before. It will also be represented in a W3 browser format and so on...