World Wide Web. Where are we heading next? Submitted By Amine Mekkaoui Cambridge Technology Partners 304 Vassar Street, Cambridge Mass, 02139 Tel 617-374-8419 It seems that most of us at this point have caught up with the fact that HTML/HTTP technology integrated with a database in the back end makes things a little bit more interesting than merely retrieving an HTML based document. HTML authoring tools, particularly those with links to databases via the Common Gateway Interface have been available for a while now. So what's next? As corporate America sees the benefits of making legacy and existing client/server applications available to the World Wide Web community, the developer community will be busy resolving issues on how to integrate a static HTML-based client into existing applications and maintain the state of an application throughout a session; how to enable server-based applications to handle millions of users arriving via the Internet; and, how to manage the distribution of data and processes without rewriting existing business functions. So far this has caused frustration. While HTML is a well-defined technology, it does have its shortcomings, specifically in performance, richness of the user interface, interoperability with existing application and data, and scalability. Performance suffers because of the extreme level of overhead, due to the requirement for connection re-establishment on every transaction and the excess formatting content specified by HTML. Interface facilities are limited to those that can be implemented in the context of a "page". Integration is complex because HTML is not designed to integrate with current server-based applications. Scalability is lacking because of the difficulty inherent in distributing processing using the HTTP server model. All these factors limit the degree to which current Web applications can meet changing business requirements. Sun's Java language has emerged as an industry-recognized language for the Internet. The Java language holds significant promise. The language solves problems on the client-side by improving performance, enabling the creation of dynamic real-time Web applications, and providing the ability to create a wide variety of user interface components. However Java is a recent development. As Sun’s Java matures our current HTML problems will begin to disappear. >From the perspective of the server, the lack of robustness and the architectural complexity in integrating a distributed architecture with today’s web clients suggests that the OMG model promises a bright future for the World Wide Web community. By applying the OMG model with JAVA we will be able to distribute data and processes, be platform independent, integrate with existing computing applications, and create a dynamic and richer client environment. As it stands today, there are large and growing number of Web-related tools on the market that address distributed processing, hardware independence, and provide common methods for disparate objects to interoperate. Some of the vendors that are leading the pack in this area are NeXT software with their WebObjects, ParkPlace-Digital with their Visual Wave, and SUN’s Microsystems NEO products combined with IONA’s Orbix which is Corba 2 compliant.