Authors: Luigi Guadagno, Motorola. ( Okokon Okon, Motorola. ( James Whitney, NewLogic. ( Abstract: In the past few months, the explosion of the Internet has resulted in an incredible rush to re-think and re-invent companies and strategies. An infrastructure which developed over the past 25-years suddenly has become the center of attention for businesses and it promises to deliver markets and customers as no other information age phenomena can. With such a promise it is easy to understand why many technology companies are attempting to transform their product lines and technologies fermented for many years so to have "internet relevance". Powered by such strategy Sun Microsystems and their new product Java have introduced the information world to many of the basic object technology concepts brewed in many industries, research labs, and academia since the inception of objects. An OOP language of dynamic nature, Java promises aid to the explosion of the internet by providing mechanisms which will help the "animation" and sophistication of web pages thus providing the consumer with "a complete internet experience". In an era of interactivity and multimedia, Java satisfies the need of marketing and sales organizations attempting to provide this new breed of customers with an attractive and "capturing" visit to the electronic shop. Such link which Sun fabricated between the latest "fad", the internet, and a technology such as Java with the resulting success has stimulated mant technology transfer and business stratey discussions. As object technologists progress in their quest for providing solutions for the future, a lesson is to be learned in technology transfer--make it relevant. We believe that the market realities of the future will demand "objects" and their derived solutions. Yet, the success will depend on our ability to show how the particular technology will provide value to the bottom line. The world is rapidly moving towards a global inter-connected network and people are rapidly embracing the "no-delay" connectivity model. Object technology will provide the infrastructure for such market to realize. Yet, the challenge will be in demonstrating such need. Java is a step-stone toward such future. As technologists we need to understand its technical merits, which have promoted it as the internet language, as well as the challenges it poses. After a rapid overview of Java describing the foundation concepts, we will detail how to embrace Java as a client-server strategy for today's enterprise. Concurrently we will advise on how to modify the enterprise object adoption strategy such that it will be relevant to executive management and move technology transfer from a push to pull model. Overall we emphasize how the internet and Java need to be reference models for technology developers and adopters as they demonstrate how to rapidly transfer technology from developers to users by advocating relevance and that is impact on business. No more objects because they are just better software engineering model, but becuase they will aid the realization of the future market-place. Follows outline: Title: Caffeinetize your Object Strategy...:) (preliminary) Abstract: . Succintly describe what has happened in the last months: the web explosion! . Description of Java...a dynamic OOP designed at Sun...nothing new . Why is the web and Java relevant to object technologists . Market Reality: the need for omni-access to services,desire for connectivity. . Lesson for technology to make objects relevant. . Overview of paper Proposed Outline: I. Introduction . The explosion of the Web and Java . Quick description of Java and its history . Our opinion on Java and the future - impact on Object Technology Strategy and S/W Industry - Java is not new, just at the right place at the right time II. What is Java, A closer Look to Java . Technical Overview - Architecture - Java Object Model - Similiraties to other dynamic languages - Java prewritten classes (Java packages) - In the works packages - Java Machine - Security features - References . Hello World Application . Building a C/S application - Components - Architecture - Legacy integration . Start-up Kit - Components - URLs for sources and documentation III. How Java and the Web help your enterprise object strategy . Marketed well, has momentum, exposure, executives want is...a fad . Pull vs Push technology transfer model . Portability of skills (objects are hard...learn once use many) . Leverages intra and inter net investments...immeditate ROI . Network enabled from start - Help you later embrace object distribution environment - As complexity raises, move along OT roadmap . Can start today with small investment . Implementation/Adoption strategy/plan "Webbetize your object roadmap" - What are your initial candidate apps - integrate w/ legacy - Moving ahead IV. Conclusion . Why Java/Web is a critical component of your object strategy . Impact on learning/training, cycle time, quality (portability errors) - development (RAD, dev productivity) - users (common look and feel across platforms...the browser) . Lesson for object technology transfer (Pull Model) - tie always to relevant topic...internet - do not over-promise . It's here today ready for your enterprise . What is the vision ? - impact on the s/w industry is un-predictable - an example on how object technology will enable the total connectivity which users demand today...Java is an example of how object technology w/ proper network infrastructure (the web or others) can impact the world as we know it today...:)