
W3C invites implementations of WebXR Device API

31 March 2022 | Archive

The Immersive Web Working Group invites implementations of WebXR Device API. This specification describes support for accessing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, including sensors and head-mounted displays, on the Web.

Comments are welcome as GitHub issues by 28 April 2022.

Preload Published as a Discontinued Draft

31 March 2022 | Archive

The Web Performance Working Group published the Preload specification as a Discontinued Draft. The content is now integrated in the HTML living standard.

Publication as a Discontinued Draft implies that this document is no longer intended to advance or to be maintained. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than abandoned work.

Draft Notes: Uighur Gap Analysis, Perso-arabic Kashmiri Gap Analysis

29 March 2022 | Archive

The Internationalization Working Group has published Uighur Gap Analysis and Perso-arabic Kashmiri Gap Analysis as Draft Notes. Uighur Gap Analysis describes and prioritises gaps for the support of Uighur on the Web and in eBooks. Perso-arabic Kashmiri Gap Analysis describes and prioritises gaps for the support of Kashmiri language using the Perso-arabic orthography on the Web and in eBooks. They are concerned with text layout. They check that needed features are supported in W3C specifications, in particular HTML and CSS and those relating to digital publications.

Vehicle Information Service Specification Published as a Discontinued Draft

29 March 2022 | Archive

The Automotive Working Group published today Vehicle Information Service Specification as a Discontinued Draft. The group encourages use of version 2 of VISS Core and Transport specifications.

Publication as a Discontinued Draft implies that this document is no longer intended to advance or to be maintained. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than abandoned work.

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