
First Public Working Draft: MediaStreamTrack Insertable Media Processing using Streams

10 February 2022 | Archive

Diagram illustrating where Insertable Media Processing fits into the media pipeline, allowing to process video after its gets decoded and before it gets e.g. rendered; processing can be done with JavaScript, WebAssembly, WebGPU or WebNN The Web Real-Time Communications Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of MediaStreamTrack Insertable Media Processing using Streams. This JavaScript API allows to process raw video, either before it gets encoded or after it gets decoded, e.g. to add effects such as background blur to real-time video.

It builds on WebCodecs to expose the bytes that a video processing program needs to operate on. An earlier version of the API is available in Chromium, with demos that illustrate its usage.

W3C invites implementations of CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1

10 February 2022 | Archive

The CSS Working Group invites implementations of CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1. This module introduces a model and controls over automatic color adjustment by the user agent to handle user preferences, such as “Dark Mode”, contrast adjustment, or specific desired color schemes.

CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

Comments are welcome as GitHub issues by 27 March 2022.

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