
WebRTC 1.0 is a W3C Recommendation

26 January 2021 | Archive

WebRTC already serves as a cornerstone of online communication and collaboration services. The WebRTC framework provides the building blocks from which web and app developers can seamlessly add video chat and peer-to-peer data exchange to a range of applications. Billions of users can interact now that WebRTC makes live video chat easier than ever on the Web. To learn more about this timely achievement and what the future holds for WebRTC, please, read our press release.

HTML Review Draft — Published 29 January 2020 is a W3C Recommendation

28 January 2021 | Archive

As part of working with the WHATWG together on HTML and DOM, W3C selected today to endorse the HTML Review Draft — Published 29 January 2020 as a W3C Recommendation. The HTML specification defines a semantic-level markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents to dynamic applications. For more information, see the blog post WHATWG Review Drafts of HTML and DOM endorsed as W3C Recommendations.

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