
Updated Candidate Recommendations for JSON-LD 1.1

5 March 2020 | Archive

The JSON-LD Working Group invites implementations of two revised Candidate Recommendations:

  • JSON-LD 1.1 defines a JSON-based expression of Linked Data graphs. The syntax is designed to easily integrate into deployed systems that already use JSON, and provides a smooth upgrade path from JSON to JSON-LD. It enables the creation of more easily interoperable Web services, the ability to store Linked Data in JSON-based storage engines, and brings more meaningful data to Web services and APIs.
  • JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API defines an Application Programming Interface (API) for developers implementing a set of algorithms for programmatic transformations of JSON-LD documents.

Candidate Recommendation means that the Working Group considers the technical design to be complete and is seeking implementation feedback on the documents. The group is keen to get comments and implementation experiences on these specifications as issues raised in the documents’ respective GitHub repositories (see the document headers for the exact references).

The group expects to satisfy the implementation goals (i.e., at least two, independent implementations for each of the test cases) by 3 April 2020.

Four First Public Working Drafts published by the CSS Working Group

3 March 2020 | Archive

The CSS Working Group has published four First Public Working Drafts today:

  • CSS Color Module Level 5 extends CSS Color [css-color-4] to add color modification functions.
  • Media Queries Level 5 allows authors to test and query values or features of the user agent or display device, independent of the document being rendered. They are used in the CSS @media rule to conditionally apply styles to a document, and in various other contexts and languages, such as HTML and JavaScript.
  • CSS Transforms Module Level 2 allows elements styled with CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. This spec adds new tranform functions and properties for three-dimensional transforms, and convenience functions for simple transforms.
  • CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 4 contains the features of CSS for conditional processing of parts of style sheets, conditioned on capabilities of the processor or the document the style sheet is being applied to. It includes and extends the functionality of CSS level 2 [CSS21], which builds on CSS level 1 [CSS1]. The main extensions compared to level 2 are allowing nesting of certain at-rules inside @media, and the addition of the @supports rule for conditional processing.

CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

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