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HTML Math Working Group Info

The HTML Math working group is co-chaired by Patrick Ion of AMS, and Robert Miner of the Geometry Center. There is a great deal of activity in the HTML Math working group at the moment, and although it is unusual, the co-chair structure works very well, since it focusses more time and resources on the task of running the working group.

The division of labor for some practical aspects of the chair is roughly:

Chairs meetings and conference calls
Generally sets agendas, circulates minutes, etc.
Handles charter and W3C process issues
Keeps abreast of pertinent web technology
Manages the group's web site
Represents HTML Math to the W3C HTML Coordination Group

Both co-chairs are fully informed, and intimately involved in the activities of the working group. Contact either of the co-chairs if you are interested in joining the group, or need other information about HTML Math.

Current group members are:

Raman T. V.
American Mathematical Society
Ralph Youngen, Ronald Whitney, and Patrick Ion.
Design Science Inc.
James R. King, Paul Topping
Nico Poppelier
The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota
Robert Miner
IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, NY
Robert S. Sutor, Angel Diaz
Mathsoft, Cambridge, MA
Stephen Glim
MINSE semantic math notation, Xerox PARC
Ka-Ping Yee
The SAFIR Research Group of INRIA
Stéphane Dalmas
Stilo Technologies
Stephen Buswell
SoftQuad, Surrey, BC
Lauren Wood
University of Western Ontario
Stephen Watt
Waterloo Maple Inc.
Stan Devitt
Dave Raggett, Arnaud LeHors
Wolfram Research
Steven Hunt, Brenda Hunt, Bruce Smith, Neil Soiffer

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Author: Robert Miner, rminer@geom.umn.edu.
Last modified: Wed Apr 30 17:03:13 1997