W3C User Interface Domain

HTML Math Overview

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Press Release: W3C Issues MathML as a Recommendation

MathML was released as a W3C Recommendation on the 7th April 1998. MathML is a low-level format for describing mathematics as a basis for machine to machine communication. It provides a much needed solution to including mathematical expressions in Web pages.

MathML is intended to facilitate the use and re-use of mathematical and scientific content on the Web, and for other applications such as computer algebra systems, print typesetters, and voice synthesizers. MathML can be used to encode both mathematical notation, for high-quality visual display, and mathematical content, for more semantic applications like scientific software, or voice synthesis.

MathML is cast as an application of XML. As such, with adequate style sheet support, it will ultimately be possible for browsers to natively render mathematical expressions. In the immediate future, several vendors offer applet and plug-ins which can render MathML in place in a browser. Translators and equation editors which can generate HTML pages with images of the math expression from HTML with embedded MathML code will be avilable soon.

For more information about MathML and the activities of the HTML Math working group, consult the W3C Math Activity Report.

Additional Working Group Information:

MathML Related Software:

Other Related Software:

Some useful general information about putting math on the web:

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Maintained by: Rob Miner (co-chair for the Math working group).
W3C contact for math: Dave Raggett. $Date: 1998/04/27 08:55:38 $

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