Quick Guide for W3C Line Mode Browser


Quick Guide for W3C Line Mode Browser

If executed in Interactive mode, the World-Wide Web Line Mode browser allows you to find information by following references and/or by using keywords. In Non-Interactive mode, the browser is capable of fetching and converting documents and be used as a filter.

Follow the Links

References are numbers in [brackets] after particular phrases. Type the number and RETURN in order to follow the link.


Some documents are indexes. These contain little text, but allow you to search for information with keywords. Type "find", "f", or "keywords" (space) and the keywords. For example, "f sgml examples" searches the index for items with keywords SGML and EXAMPLE. You can only use the "find" command when it is present in the prompt. You can omit the "find" or "f" if the first keyword doesn't conflict with existing commands.

More Information

Tim BL, and Henrik Frystyk, libwww@w3.org,

@(#) $Id: QuickGuide.html,v 1.12 1996/12/09 03:26:21 jigsaw Exp $