/* HTTPReq.c ** HTTP REQUEST GENERATION ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. ** @(#) $Id: HTTPReq.c,v 2.53 1998/05/19 16:49:43 frystyk Exp $ ** ** This module implements the output stream for HTTP used for sending ** requests with or without a entity body. ** ** History: ** Jan 95 HFN Written from scratch */ /* Library Includes */ #include "wwwsys.h" #include "WWWUtil.h" #include "WWWCore.h" #include "HTTPGen.h" #include "HTTPUtil.h" #include "HTTPReq.h" /* Implements */ #define PUTC(c) (*me->target->isa->put_character)(me->target, c) #define PUTS(s) (*me->target->isa->put_string)(me->target, s) #define PUTBLOCK(b, l) (*me->target->isa->put_block)(me->target, b, l) struct _HTStream { const HTStreamClass * isa; HTStream * target; HTRequest * request; SOCKET sockfd; int version; int state; char * url; BOOL transparent; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HTTP Output Request Stream */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HTTP09Request ** ------------- ** Makes a HTTP/0.9 request */ PRIVATE int HTTP09Request (HTStream * me, HTRequest * request) { HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); char * addr = HTAnchor_physical(anchor); if (!me->url) me->url = HTParse(addr, "", PARSE_PATH|PARSE_PUNCTUATION); if (me->state == 0) { int status = PUTS("GET "); if (status != HT_OK) return status; me->state++; } if (me->state == 1) { int status = PUTS(me->url); if (status != HT_OK) return status; me->state++; } PUTC(CR); PUTC(LF); if (PROT_TRACE)HTTrace("HTTP........ Generating HTTP/0.9 Request\n"); HTDebugBreak(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Why is this?\n"); return HT_OK; } /* HTTPMakeRequest ** --------------- ** Makes a HTTP/1.0-1.1 request header. */ PRIVATE int HTTPMakeRequest (HTStream * me, HTRequest * request) { HTMethod method = HTRequest_method(request); HTRqHd request_mask = HTRequest_rqHd(request); HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); char * etag = HTAnchor_etag(anchor); char crlf[3]; char qstr[10]; *crlf = CR; *(crlf+1) = LF; *(crlf+2) = '\0'; /* Generate the HTTP/1.x RequestLine */ if (me->state == 0) { if (method != METHOD_INVALID) { PUTS(HTMethod_name(method)); PUTC(' '); } else PUTS("GET "); me->state++; } /* ** Generate the Request URI. If we are using full request URI then it's ** easy. Otherwise we must filter out the path part of the URI. ** In case it's a OPTIONS request then if there is no pathinfo then use ** a * instead. If we use a method different from GET or HEAD then use ** the content-location if available. */ if (me->state == 1) { char * abs_location = NULL; char * addr = HTAnchor_physical(anchor); /* ** If we are using a method different from HEAD and GET then use ** the Content-Location if available, else the Request-URI. */ if (!HTMethod_isSafe(method)) { char * location = HTAnchor_location(anchor); if (location) { if (HTURL_isAbsolute(location)) addr = location; else { /* ** We have a content-location but it is relative and ** must expand it either to the content-base or to ** the Request-URI itself. */ char * base = HTAnchor_base(anchor); abs_location = HTParse(location, base, PARSE_ALL); addr = abs_location; } } } /* ** If we are using a proxy or newer versions of HTTP then we can ** send the full URL. Otherwise we only send the path. */ if (HTRequest_fullURI(request)) StrAllocCopy(me->url, addr); else { me->url = HTParse(addr, "", PARSE_PATH | PARSE_PUNCTUATION); if (method == METHOD_OPTIONS) { /* ** We don't preserve the final slash or lack of same through ** out the code. This is mainly for optimization reasons ** but it gives a problem OPTIONS. We can either send a "*" ** or a "/" but not both. For now we send a "*". */ if (!strcmp(me->url, "/")) *me->url = '*'; } } HT_FREE(abs_location); me->state++; } /* ** Now send the URL that we have put together */ if (me->state == 2) { int status = HT_OK; if ((status = PUTS(me->url)) != HT_OK) return status; me->state++; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Requesting '%s'\n", me->url); #endif } PUTC(' '); /* ** Send out the version number. If we know it is a HTTP/1.0 server we ** are talking to then use HTTP/1.0, else use HTTP/1.1 as default version ** number */ if (me->version == HTTP_10) PUTS(HTTP_VERSION_10); else PUTS(HTTP_VERSION); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); /* Request Headers */ if (request_mask & HT_C_ACCEPT_TYPE) { /* ** If caller has specified a specific output format then use this. ** Otherwise use all the registered converters to generate the ** accept header */ if (HTRequest_outputFormat(request) == WWW_PRESENT) { int list; HTList *cur; BOOL first=YES; for (list=0; list<2; list++) { if ((!list && ((cur = HTFormat_conversion()) != NULL)) || (list && ((cur = HTRequest_conversion(request))!=NULL))) { HTPresentation * pres; while ((pres=(HTPresentation *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (pres->rep_out==WWW_PRESENT && pres->quality<=1.0) { if (first) { PUTS("Accept: "); first=NO; } else PUTC(','); PUTS(HTAtom_name(pres->rep)); if (pres->quality < 1.0 && pres->quality >= 0.0) { sprintf(qstr, ";q=%1.1f", pres->quality); PUTS(qstr); } } } } } if (!first) PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } else { PUTS("Accept: "); PUTS(HTAtom_name(HTRequest_outputFormat(request))); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } if (request_mask & HT_C_ACCEPT_CHAR) { int list; HTList *cur; BOOL first=YES; for (list=0; list<2; list++) { if ((!list && ((cur = HTFormat_charset()) != NULL)) || (list && ((cur = HTRequest_charset(request)) != NULL))) { HTAcceptNode *pres; while ((pres = (HTAcceptNode *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (first) { PUTS("Accept-Charset: "); first=NO; } else PUTC(','); PUTS(HTAtom_name(pres->atom)); if (pres->quality < 1.0 && pres->quality >= 0.0) { sprintf(qstr, ";q=%1.1f", pres->quality); PUTS(qstr); } } } } if (!first) PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } if (request_mask & HT_C_ACCEPT_ENC) { int list; HTList *cur; BOOL first=YES; for (list=0; list<2; list++) { if ((!list && ((cur = HTFormat_contentCoding()) != NULL)) || (list && ((cur = HTRequest_encoding(request)) != NULL))) { HTCoding * pres; while ((pres = (HTCoding *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { double quality = HTCoding_quality(pres); if (first) { PUTS("Accept-Encoding: "); first = NO; } else PUTC(','); PUTS(HTCoding_name(pres)); if (quality < 1.0 && quality >= 0.0) { sprintf(qstr, ";q=%1.1f", quality); PUTS(qstr); } } } } if (!first) PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } if (request_mask & HT_C_ACCEPT_TE) { int list; HTList *cur; BOOL first=YES; for (list=0; list<2; list++) { if ((!list && ((cur = HTFormat_transferCoding()) != NULL)) || (list && ((cur = HTRequest_transfer(request)) != NULL))) { HTCoding * pres; while ((pres = (HTCoding *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { double quality = HTCoding_quality(pres); if (first) { PUTS("TE: "); first = NO; } else PUTC(','); PUTS(HTCoding_name(pres)); if (quality < 1.0 && quality >= 0.0) { sprintf(qstr, ";q=%1.1f", quality); PUTS(qstr); } } } } if (!first) PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } if (request_mask & HT_C_ACCEPT_LAN) { int list; HTList *cur; BOOL first=YES; for (list=0; list<2; list++) { if ((!list && ((cur = HTFormat_language()) != NULL)) || (list && ((cur = HTRequest_language(request)) != NULL))) { HTAcceptNode *pres; while ((pres = (HTAcceptNode *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (first) { PUTS("Accept-Language: "); first=NO; } else PUTC(','); PUTS(HTAtom_name(pres->atom)); if (pres->quality < 1.0 && pres->quality >= 0.0) { sprintf(qstr, ";q=%1.1f", pres->quality); PUTS(qstr); } } } } if (!first) PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } if (request_mask & HT_C_AUTH) { HTAssocList * cur = HTRequest_credentials(request); if (cur) { /* Access authentication */ HTAssoc * pres; while ((pres = (HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(cur))) { PUTS(HTAssoc_name(pres)); PUTS(": "); PUTS(HTAssoc_value(pres)); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } } if (request_mask & HT_C_EXPECT) { HTAssocList * cur = HTRequest_expect(request); if (cur) { BOOL first=YES; HTAssoc * pres; while ((pres = (HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(cur))) { char * value = HTAssoc_value(pres); if (first) { PUTS("Expect: "); first = NO; } else PUTC(','); /* Output the name */ PUTS(HTAssoc_name(pres)); /* Only output the value if not empty string */ if (*value) { PUTS("="); PUTS(value); } } PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } if (request_mask & HT_C_FROM) { HTUserProfile * up = HTRequest_userProfile(request); const char * mailaddress = HTUserProfile_email(up); if (mailaddress) { PUTS("From: "); PUTS(mailaddress); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } if (request_mask & HT_C_HOST) { char *orig = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) anchor); char *host = HTParse(orig, "", PARSE_HOST); #if 0 /* Keep the port number for HTTP/1.1 compliance */ char *ptr = strchr(host, ':'); /* Chop off port number */ if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; #endif PUTS("Host: "); PUTS(host); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); HT_FREE(orig); HT_FREE(host); } /* ** In the "If-*" series of headers, the ones related to etags have higher ** priority than the date relates ones. That is, if we have a etag then ** use that, otherwise use the date. First we check for range, match, and ** unmodified-since. */ if (request_mask & HT_C_IF_RANGE && etag) { PUTS("If-Range: \""); PUTS(etag); PUTC('"'); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ If-Range using etag `%s\'\n", etag); } else if (request_mask & HT_C_IF_MATCH && etag) { PUTS("If-Match: \""); PUTS(etag); PUTC('"'); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ If-Match using etag `%s\'\n", etag); } else if (request_mask & HT_C_IF_UNMOD_SINCE) { time_t lm = HTAnchor_lastModified(anchor); if (lm > 0) { PUTS("If-Unmodified-Since: "); PUTS(HTDateTimeStr(&lm, NO)); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ If-Unmodified-Since\n"); } } /* ** If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since are equivalent except that the ** first uses etags and the second uses dates. Etags have precedence over ** dates. */ if (request_mask & HT_C_IF_NONE_MATCH && etag) { PUTS("If-None-Match: \""); PUTS(etag); PUTC('"'); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ If-None-Match `%s\'\n", etag); } if (request_mask & HT_C_IMS) { time_t lm = HTAnchor_lastModified(anchor); if (lm > 0) { PUTS("If-Modified-Since: "); PUTS(HTDateTimeStr(&lm, NO)); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ If-Modified-Since\n"); } } /* ** Max forwards is mainly for TRACE where we want to be able to stop the ** TRACE at a specific location un the message path. */ if (request_mask & HT_C_MAX_FORWARDS) { int hops = HTRequest_maxForwards(request); if (hops >= 0) { sprintf(qstr, "%d", hops); PUTS("Max-Forwards: "); PUTS(qstr); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } /* ** Range requests. For now, we only take the first entry registered for ** this request. This means that you can only send a single "unit" and ** then a set of range within this unit. This is in accordance with ** HTTP/1.1. Multiple units will go on multiple lines. */ if (request_mask & HT_C_RANGE) { HTAssocList * cur = HTRequest_range(request); if (cur) { /* Range requests */ HTAssoc * pres; while ((pres = (HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(cur))) { PUTS("Range: "); PUTS(HTAssoc_name(pres)); /* Unit */ PUTS("="); PUTS(HTAssoc_value(pres)); /* Ranges within this unit */ PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } } } if (request_mask & HT_C_REFERER) { HTParentAnchor * parent_anchor = HTRequest_parent(request); if (parent_anchor) { char * act = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) anchor); char * parent = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) parent_anchor); #if 1 char * relative = HTRelative(parent, act); #else char * relative = HTParse(parent, act, PARSE_ACCESS|PARSE_HOST|PARSE_PATH|PARSE_PUNCTUATION); #endif if (relative && *relative) { PUTS("Referer: "); PUTS(relative); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } HT_FREE(act); HT_FREE(parent); HT_FREE(relative); } } if (request_mask & HT_C_USER_AGENT) { PUTS("User-Agent: "); PUTS(HTLib_appName()); PUTC('/'); PUTS(HTLib_appVersion()); PUTC(' '); PUTS(HTLib_name()); PUTC('/'); PUTS(HTLib_version()); PUTBLOCK(crlf, 2); } if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers\n"); return HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_put_block (HTStream * me, const char * b, int l) { if (!me->target) { return HT_WOULD_BLOCK; } else if (me->transparent) return b ? PUTBLOCK(b, l) : HT_OK; else { int status = HT_OK; if (me->version == HTTP_09) { status = HTTP09Request(me, me->request); if (status != HT_OK) return status; } else { status = HTTPMakeRequest(me, me->request); if (status != HT_OK) return status; me->transparent = YES; return b ? PUTBLOCK(b, l) : HT_OK; } return status; } } PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_put_character (HTStream * me, char c) { return HTTPRequest_put_block(me, &c, 1); } PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_put_string (HTStream * me, const char * s) { return HTTPRequest_put_block(me, s, strlen(s)); } /* ** Flushes data but doesn't free stream object */ PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_flush (HTStream * me) { int status = HTTPRequest_put_block(me, NULL, 0); return status==HT_OK ? (*me->target->isa->flush)(me->target) : status; } /* ** Flushes data and frees stream object */ PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_free (HTStream * me) { int status = HTTPRequest_flush(me); if (status != HT_WOULD_BLOCK) { if ((status = (*me->target->isa->_free)(me->target)) == HT_WOULD_BLOCK) return HT_WOULD_BLOCK; HT_FREE(me->url); HT_FREE(me); } return status; } PRIVATE int HTTPRequest_abort (HTStream * me, HTList * e) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTTPRequest. ABORTING...\n"); /* JK: Added protection against NULL pointers */ if (me) { if (me->target && me->target->isa) (*me->target->isa->abort)(me->target, e); if (me->url) HT_FREE(me->url); HT_FREE(me); } return HT_ERROR; } /* HTTPRequest Stream ** ----------------- */ PRIVATE const HTStreamClass HTTPRequestClass = { "HTTPRequest", HTTPRequest_flush, HTTPRequest_free, HTTPRequest_abort, HTTPRequest_put_character, HTTPRequest_put_string, HTTPRequest_put_block }; PUBLIC HTStream * HTTPRequest_new (HTRequest * request, HTStream * target, BOOL endHeader, int version) { HTStream * me; if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTTPRequest_new"); me->isa = &HTTPRequestClass; me->target = target; me->request = request; me->version = version; me->transparent = NO; /* ** If sending a body in the request then we want a 100 code! */ if (HTMethod_hasEntity(HTRequest_method(request))) HTRequest_addExpect(request, "100-continue", ""); /* Return general HTTP header stream */ return HTTPGen_new(request, me, endHeader, version); }