/* HTRules.c ** CONFIGURATION MANAGER FOR CLIENTS ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. ** @(#) $Id: HTRules.c,v 2.56 1998/02/01 19:04:18 frystyk Exp $ ** ** This module manages rule files in the Library ** ** History: ** 3 Jun 91 Written TBL ** 10 Aug 91 Authorisation added after Daniel Martin (pass, fail) ** Rule order in file changed ** Comments allowed with # on 1st char of rule line ** 17 Jun 92 Bug fix: pass and fail failed if didn't contain '*' TBL ** 1 Sep 93 Bug fix: no memory check - Nathan Torkington ** BYTE_ADDRESSING removed - Arthur Secret ** 11 Sep 93 MD Changed %i into %d in debug printf. ** VMS does not recognize %i. ** Bug Fix: in case of PASS, only one parameter to printf. ** 19 Sep 93 AL Added Access Authorization stuff. ** 1 Nov 93 AL Added htbin. ** 30 Nov 93 AL Added HTTranslateReq(). ** 4 Feb 94 AL Took away all the daemon-specific stuff. ** 28 Sep 94 HWL Added field to HTPresentation_add call ** 15 Nov 95 HFN Made a stream, fixed interface and made new translater ** ** BUGS: We only have one wildcard match pr rule! */ /* Library include files */ #include "WWWLib.h" #include "HTProxy.h" #include "HTRules.h" /* Implemented here */ struct _HTStream { const HTStreamClass * isa; HTRequest * request; HTChunk * buffer; HTEOLState EOLstate; }; struct _HTRule { HTRuleOp op; char * pattern; char * replace; int insert; /* Index into any wildcard in replace */ }; PRIVATE HTList * rules = NULL; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ** Rules are handled as list as everything else that has to do with ** preferences. We provide two functions for getting and setting the ** global rules */ PUBLIC HTList * HTRule_global (void) { if (!rules) rules = HTList_new(); return rules; } PUBLIC BOOL HTRule_setGlobal(HTList * list) { if (rules) HTRule_deleteAll(rules); rules = list; return YES; } PUBLIC BOOL HTRule_addGlobal(HTRuleOp op, const char * pattern, const char * replace) { if (!rules) rules = HTList_new(); return HTRule_add(rules, op, pattern, replace); } /* Add rule to the list ** -------------------- ** This function adds a rule to the list of rules. The ** pattern is a 0-terminated string containing a single ** "*". equiv points to the equivalent string with * for the ** place where the text matched by * goes. ** On entry, ** pattern points to 0-terminated string containing a single "*" ** replace points to the equivalent string with * for the ** place where the text matched by * goes. ** On exit, ** returns YES if OK, else NO */ PUBLIC BOOL HTRule_add (HTList * list, HTRuleOp op, const char * pattern, const char * replace) { if (list && pattern) { HTRule * me; if ((me = (HTRule *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTRule))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTRule_add"); me->op = op; StrAllocCopy(me->pattern, pattern); if (replace) { char *ptr = strchr(replace, '*'); StrAllocCopy(me->replace, replace); me->insert = ptr ? ptr-replace : -1; if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rule Add.... For `%s\' op %d `%s\'\n", pattern, op, replace); } else HTTrace("Rule Add.... For `%s\' op %d\n", pattern, op); return HTList_appendObject(list, (void *) me); } return NO; } /* Delete all rules ** ---------------- ** Deletes all the rules registered by this module */ PUBLIC BOOL HTRule_deleteAll (HTList * list) { if (list) { HTList *cur = list; HTRule *pres; while ((pres = (HTRule *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { HT_FREE(pres->pattern); HT_FREE(pres->replace); HT_FREE(pres); } return HTList_delete(list); } return NO; } /* Translate by rules ** ------------------ ** The most recently defined rules are applied last. ** This function walks through the list of rules and translates the ** reference when matches are found. The list is traversed in order ** starting from the head of the list. It returns the address of the ** equivalent string allocated from the heap which the CALLER MUST ** FREE. */ PUBLIC char * HTRule_translate (HTList * list, const char * token, BOOL ignore_case) { HTRule * pres; char * replace = NULL; if (!token || !list) return NULL; if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Check rules. for `%s\'\n", token); while ((pres = (HTRule *) HTList_nextObject(list))) { char * rest = ignore_case ? HTStrCaseMatch(pres->pattern, token) : HTStrMatch(pres->pattern, token); if (!rest) continue; /* No match at all */ /* We found a match for this entry, now do operation */ switch (pres->op) { case HT_Pass: case HT_Map: if (!pres->replace) { /* No replace */ StrAllocCopy(replace, token); } else if (*rest && pres->insert >= 0) { if ((replace = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(pres->replace)+strlen(rest))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTRule_translate"); strcpy(replace, pres->replace); strcpy(replace+pres->insert, rest); } else { /* Perfect match or no insetion point */ StrAllocCopy(replace, pres->replace); } if (pres->op == HT_Pass) { if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("............ map into `%s'\n", replace); return replace; } break; case HT_Fail: default: if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("............ FAIL `%s'\n", token); return NULL; } } if (!replace) StrAllocCopy(replace, token); return replace; } /* Load one line of configuration ** ------------------------------ ** Call this, for example, to load a X resource with config info. ** Returns YES if line OK, else NO */ PUBLIC BOOL HTRule_parseLine (HTList * list, const char * config) { HTRuleOp op; char * line = NULL; char * ptr; char * word1, * word2, * word3; int status; if ((ptr = strchr(config, '#'))) *ptr = '\0'; StrAllocCopy(line, config); /* Get our own copy */ ptr = line; if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rule Parse.. `%s\'\n", config ? config : ""); if ((word1 = HTNextField(&ptr)) == NULL) { /* Empty line */ HT_FREE(line); return YES; } if ((word2 = HTNextField(&ptr)) == NULL) { if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rule Parse.. Insufficient operands: `%s\'\n",line); HT_FREE(line); return NO; } word3 = HTNextField(&ptr); /* Look for things we recognize */ if (!strcasecomp(word1, "addtype")) { double quality; char * encoding = HTNextField(&ptr); status = ptr ? sscanf(ptr, "%lf", &quality) : 0; HTBind_add(word2, /* suffix */ word3, /* type */ encoding ? encoding : "binary", /* encoding */ NULL, /* cte */ NULL, /* language */ status >= 1? quality : 1.0); /* quality */ } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "addencoding")) { double quality; status = ptr ? sscanf(ptr, "%lf", &quality) : 0; HTBind_addEncoding(word2, word3, status >= 1 ? quality : 1.0); } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "addlanguage")) { double quality; status = ptr ? sscanf(ptr, "%lf", &quality) : 0; HTBind_addLanguage(word2, word3, status >= 1 ? quality : 1.0); } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "presentation")) { HTList * converters = HTFormat_conversion(); double quality, secs, secs_per_byte; status = ptr ? sscanf(ptr,"%lf%lf%lf",&quality,&secs,&secs_per_byte):0; HTPresentation_add(converters, word2, word3, NULL, status >= 1 ? quality : 1.0, status >= 2 ? secs : 0.0, status >= 3 ? secs_per_byte : 0.0); } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "proxy")) { HTProxy_add(word2, word3); } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "noproxy")) { int port = 0; status = ptr ? sscanf(ptr, "%d", &port) : 0; HTNoProxy_add(word2, word3, port); } else if (!strcasecomp(word1, "gateway")) { HTGateway_add(word2, word3); } else { op = 0==strcasecomp(word1, "map") ? HT_Map : 0==strcasecomp(word1, "pass") ? HT_Pass : 0==strcasecomp(word1, "fail") ? HT_Fail : HT_Invalid; if (op == HT_Invalid) { if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rule Parse.. Bad or unknown: `%s'\n", config); } else HTRule_add(list, op, word2, word3); } HT_FREE(line); return YES; } /* ** Folding is either of CF LWS, LF LWS, CRLF LWS */ PRIVATE int HTRule_put_block (HTStream * me, const char * b, int l) { while (l > 0) { if (me->EOLstate == EOL_FCR) { if (*b == LF) /* CRLF */ me->EOLstate = EOL_FLF; else if (isspace((int) *b)) /* Folding: CR SP */ me->EOLstate = EOL_DOT; else { /* New line */ HTRule_parseLine(rules, HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (me->EOLstate == EOL_FLF) { if (isspace((int) *b)) /* Folding: LF SP or CR LF SP */ me->EOLstate = EOL_DOT; else { /* New line */ HTRule_parseLine(rules, HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (me->EOLstate == EOL_DOT) { if (isspace((int) *b)) { me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_putc(me->buffer, ' '); } else { HTRule_parseLine(rules, HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (*b == CR) { me->EOLstate = EOL_FCR; } else if (*b == LF) { me->EOLstate = EOL_FLF; /* Line found */ } else HTChunk_putc(me->buffer, *b); l--; b++; } return HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTRule_put_character (HTStream * me, char c) { return HTRule_put_block(me, &c, 1); } PRIVATE int HTRule_put_string (HTStream * me, const char * s) { return HTRule_put_block(me, s, (int) strlen(s)); } PRIVATE int HTRule_flush (HTStream * me) { if (me) { char * flush = HTChunk_data(me->buffer); if (flush) HTRule_parseLine(rules, flush); HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); } return HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTRule_free (HTStream * me) { if (me) { int status = HTRule_flush(me); if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rules....... FREEING....\n"); HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); HT_FREE(me); return status; } return HT_ERROR; } PRIVATE int HTRule_abort (HTStream * me, HTList * e) { if (me) { int status = HT_ERROR; if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Rules....... ABORTING...\n"); HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); HT_FREE(me); return status; } return HT_ERROR; } /* Structured Object Class ** ----------------------- */ PRIVATE const HTStreamClass HTRuleClass = { "RuleParser", HTRule_flush, HTRule_free, HTRule_abort, HTRule_put_character, HTRule_put_string, HTRule_put_block }; PUBLIC HTStream * HTRules (HTRequest * request, void * param, HTFormat input_format, HTFormat output_format, HTStream * output_stream) { HTAlertCallback *cbf = HTAlert_find(HT_A_CONFIRM); /* ** If the library has been compiled so that we automatically accept ** rule files then it's OK not to ask the user. */ #ifdef HT_AUTOMATIC_RULES if (!cbf || (cbf && (*cbf)(request,HT_A_CONFIRM, HT_MSG_RULES, NULL,NULL,NULL))) { #else if ((cbf && (*cbf)(request,HT_A_CONFIRM, HT_MSG_RULES, NULL,NULL,NULL))) { #endif HTStream * me; if (WWWTRACE) HTTrace("Rule file... Parser object created\n"); if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTRules"); me->isa = &HTRuleClass; me->request = request; me->buffer = HTChunk_new(512); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; if (!rules) rules = HTList_new(); return me; } else { HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NO_AUTO_RULES, NULL, 0, "HTRules"); return HTErrorStream(); } }