/* HTDir.c ** DIRECTORY BROWSING ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. ** @(#) $Id: HTDir.c,v 2.20 1998/05/04 19:36:25 frystyk Exp $ ** ** This is unix-specific code in general ** The module is intended for use in HTFile.c and HTFTP.c where ** it replaces the old directory browsing routine. ** The module is only compiled if GOT_READ_DIR is defined ** ** Authors: ** HF Henrik Frystyk, MIT, ** History: ** Sep 95 HFN written ** ** Note: ** It could be a HTML table instead */ /* Library include files */ #include "wwwsys.h" #include "WWWUtil.h" #include "WWWCore.h" #include "WWWHTML.h" #include "HTIcons.h" #include "HTDescpt.h" #include "HTDir.h" /* Implemented here */ /* Macros and other defines */ #define PUTC(c) (*target->isa->put_character)(target, c) #define PUTS(s) (*target->isa->put_string)(target, s) #define START(e) (*target->isa->start_element)(target, e, 0, 0) #define END(e) (*target->isa->end_element)(target, e) #define FREE_TARGET (*target->isa->_free)(target) #define DEFAULT_MINFW 15 #define DEFAULT_MAXFW 25 /* Type definitions and global variables etc. local to this module */ struct _HTStructured { const HTStructuredClass * isa; /* ... */ }; struct _HTDir { HTStructured * target; HTRequest * request; HTArray * array; /* Array for sorted listings */ char * fnbuf; /* File name buffer */ char * lnbuf; /* Rest of line */ char * base; /* base url is any */ HTDirShow show; /* What do we want to show */ HTDirKey key; /* Key for sorting */ int size; /* Number of files */ int curfw; /* Max file name length in list */ }; typedef struct _HTDirNode { char * fname; char * date; char * size; char * note; HTFileMode mode; } HTDirNode; typedef enum _HTShowLength { /* Width of each collumn */ HT_DLEN_SIZE = 6, HT_DLEN_DATE = 15, HT_DLEN_SPACE = 1, HT_DLEN_DES = 25 } HTShowLength; PRIVATE int MinFileW = DEFAULT_MINFW; PRIVATE int MaxFileW = DEFAULT_MAXFW; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* LINE JUSTIFICATION */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ** Left-justifies str_in into str_out expecting str_out having size length ** l is number of chars. No 0 termination, rest of line filled with ' ' */ PRIVATE void LeftStr (char **outstr, char * instr, int l) { char *out = *outstr; while (l-- > 0 && *instr && (*out++ = *instr++)); while (l-- > 0) *out++ = ' '; *outstr = out; } /* ** Like LeftStr(), but result is right-justified. ** l is number of chars. No 0 termination */ PRIVATE void RightStr (char **outstr, char * instr, int l) { char *start = *outstr+l-strlen(instr); char *out = *outstr; while (outfname); HT_FREE(node->date); HT_FREE(node->size); HT_FREE(node->note); HT_FREE(node); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Escape a filename and add a '/' if it's a directory */ PRIVATE char * expand_name (char * name, HTFileMode mode) { char * escaped = HTEscape(name, URL_XPALPHAS); if (mode == HT_IS_DIR) if (*(name+strlen(name)-1) != '/') StrAllocCat(escaped, "/"); return escaped; } /* ** Output an element in HTML ** Returns YES if OK, else NO */ PRIVATE BOOL HTDirNode_print (HTDir *dir, HTDirNode *node) { char *tp = NULL; HTStructured *target = dir->target; if (dir->show & HT_DS_ICON) { HTFormat format = NULL; HTEncoding encoding = NULL; double q=1.0; HTIconNode * icon; if (node->mode == HT_IS_FILE) HTBind_getFormat(node->fname, &format, &encoding, NULL, NULL, &q); icon = HTIcon_find(node->mode, format, encoding); /* Are we having a hot or a cold icon? */ if (!(dir->show & HT_DS_HOTI)) { if (icon) { char * alt = HTIcon_alternative(icon, YES); HTMLPutImg(target, HTIcon_url(icon), alt, NULL); HT_FREE(alt); PUTC(' '); } } /* Start the anchor element */ if (dir->base) { char *escaped = expand_name(node->fname, node->mode); char *full; if ((full = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(escaped)+strlen(dir->base)+1)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTDirNode_print"); strcpy(full, dir->base); strcat(full, escaped); HTStartAnchor(target, NULL, full); HT_FREE(escaped); HT_FREE(full); } else { char *escaped = expand_name(node->fname, node->mode); HTStartAnchor(target, NULL, escaped); HT_FREE(escaped); } if (dir->show & HT_DS_HOTI) { char * alt = HTIcon_alternative(icon, YES); HTMLPutImg(target, HTIcon_url(icon), alt, NULL); PUTC(' '); } } else { if (dir->base) { char *escaped = expand_name(node->fname, node->mode); char *full; if ((full = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(escaped)+strlen(dir->base)+1)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTDirNode_print"); strcpy(full, dir->base); strcat(full, escaped); HTStartAnchor(target, NULL, escaped); HT_FREE(escaped); HT_FREE(full); } else { char *escaped = HTEscape(node->fname, URL_XPALPHAS); HTStartAnchor(target, NULL, escaped); HT_FREE(escaped); } } /* Insert the anchor text and end anchor */ { char *in = node->fname; char *out = dir->fnbuf; int l = dir->curfw; while (l-- > 0 && *in && (*out++ = *in++)); if (*in) *(out-1) = '>'; else if (node->mode == HT_IS_DIR) { *out++ = '/'; l--; } *out = '\0'; PUTS(dir->fnbuf); END(HTML_A); out = dir->fnbuf; while (l-- >= 0) *out++ = ' '; LeftStr(&out, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); *out = '\0'; PUTS(dir->fnbuf); } /* Print the rest of it */ tp = dir->lnbuf; if (node->date) { RightStr(&tp, node->date, HT_DLEN_DATE); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } if (node->size) { RightStr(&tp, node->size, HT_DLEN_SIZE); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } if (node->note) { LeftStr(&tp, node->note, HT_DLEN_DES); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } *tp = '\0'; PUTS(dir->lnbuf); PUTC('\n'); return YES; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* HTDir_headLine ** -------------- ** Puts out the header line of the list itself ** Returns YES if OK, else NO */ PRIVATE BOOL HTDir_headLine (HTDir *dir) { if (dir) { char *tp; HTStructured *target = dir->target; START(HTML_PRE); if (dir->show & HT_DS_ICON) { HTIconNode * icon = HTIcon_find(HT_IS_BLANK, NULL, NULL); if (icon) { char * alt = HTIcon_alternative(icon, NO); HTMLPutImg(target, HTIcon_url(icon), alt, NULL); HT_FREE(alt); PUTC(' '); } } tp = dir->fnbuf; LeftStr(&tp, "Name", dir->curfw); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); *tp = '\0'; PUTS(dir->fnbuf); tp = dir->lnbuf; if (dir->show & HT_DS_DATE) { LeftStr(&tp, "Last Modified", HT_DLEN_DATE); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } if (dir->show & HT_DS_SIZE) { RightStr(&tp, "Size", HT_DLEN_SIZE); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } if (dir->show & HT_DS_DES) { LeftStr(&tp, "Description", HT_DLEN_DATE); LeftStr(&tp, " ", HT_DLEN_SPACE); } *tp = '\0'; PUTS(dir->lnbuf); START(HTML_HR); PUTC('\n'); return YES; } return NO; } /* HTDir_setWidth ** -------------- ** The module automatically ajusts the width of the directory listing as ** a function of the file name. The width can flows dynamically between ** an upper and a lower limit. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTDir_setWidth (int minfile, int maxfile) { MinFileW = (minfile>=0) ? minfile : 0; MaxFileW = (maxfile>minfile) ? maxfile : minfile+1; return YES; } /* HTDir_new ** --------- ** Creates a structured stream object and sets up the initial HTML stuff ** Returns the dir object if OK, else NULL */ PUBLIC HTDir * HTDir_new (HTRequest * request, HTDirShow show, HTDirKey key) { HTDir *dir; char *title = NULL; if (!request) return NULL; /* Create object */ if ((dir = (HTDir *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof (HTDir))) == NULL || (dir->fnbuf = (char *) HT_MALLOC(MaxFileW+HT_DLEN_SPACE)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTDir_new"); dir->target = HTMLGenerator(request, NULL, WWW_HTML, HTRequest_outputFormat(request), HTRequest_outputStream(request)); HTRequest_setOutputConnected(request, YES); HTAnchor_setFormat(HTRequest_anchor(request), WWW_HTML); dir->request = request; dir->show = show; dir->key = key; if (key==HT_DK_NONE) dir->curfw = MaxFileW; else { dir->curfw = MinFileW; dir->array = HTArray_new(256); } /* We're all OK */ HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_OK, NULL, 0, "HTDir_new"); /* Find the length of the fields */ { int len = HT_DLEN_SPACE+1; if (show & HT_DS_SIZE) len += (HT_DLEN_SIZE+HT_DLEN_SPACE); if (show & HT_DS_DATE) len += (HT_DLEN_DATE+HT_DLEN_SPACE); if (show & HT_DS_DES) len += HT_DLEN_DES; if ((dir->lnbuf = (char *) HT_MALLOC(len)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTDir_new"); } /* Find the title and the base URL */ { char *addr = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) HTRequest_anchor(request)); char *path = HTParse(addr, "", PARSE_PATH+PARSE_PUNCTUATION); char *ptr; if ((ptr = strchr(path, ';')) || (ptr = strchr(path, '?'))) *ptr = '\0'; StrAllocCopy(title, path); HTUnEscape(title); /* Title */ if((ptr=strrchr(path, '/')) && (ptrbase, ++ptr); StrAllocCat(dir->base, "/"); } if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTDir_new... base is `%s\'\n", dir->base ? dir->base : ""); HT_FREE(addr); HT_FREE(path); } /* Start the HTML stuff */ { HTStructured *target = dir->target; START(HTML_HTML); START(HTML_HEAD); START(HTML_TITLE); PUTS("Current index is "); PUTS(title); END(HTML_TITLE); END(HTML_HEAD); START(HTML_BODY); START(HTML_H1); PUTS("Index of "); PUTS(title); END(HTML_H1); } HT_FREE(title); return dir; } /* HTDir_addElement ** --------------- ** This function accepts a directory line. "data" and "size", and ** "description" can all be NULL ** Returns YES if OK, else NO */ PUBLIC BOOL HTDir_addElement (HTDir *dir, char *name, char *date, char *size, HTFileMode mode) { HTDirNode *node = HTDirNode_new(); if (!dir || !name) return NO; if ((node->fname = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(name) + 2)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTDir_addElement"); strcpy(node->fname, name); /* Mandatory */ if (dir->show & HT_DS_DATE && date) StrAllocCopy(node->date, date); if (dir->show & HT_DS_SIZE && size) StrAllocCopy(node->size, size); if (dir->show & HT_DS_DES) { #if 0 /* FIND DESCRIPTION */ #endif } /* Set the mode of the file */ node->mode = mode; /* Should we display now or later? */ if (dir->key == HT_DK_NONE) { if (!dir->size++) HTDir_headLine(dir); HTDirNode_print(dir, node); HTDirNode_free(node); } else { int slen = strlen(name); if (slen > dir->curfw) dir->curfw = slen < MaxFileW ? slen : MaxFileW; HTArray_addObject(dir->array, (void *) node); } return YES; } PRIVATE int DirSort (const void *a, const void *b) { #if 0 HTDirNode *aa = *(HTDirNode **) a; HTDirNode *bb = *(HTDirNode **) b; return strcmp(aa->fname, bb->fname); #else return strcmp((*((HTDirNode **) a))->fname, (*((HTDirNode **) b))->fname); #endif } PRIVATE int DirCaseSort (const void *a, const void *b) { #if 0 HTDirNode *aa = *(HTDirNode **) a; HTDirNode *bb = *(HTDirNode **) b; return strcasecomp(aa->fname, bb->fname); #else return strcasecomp((*((HTDirNode **) a))->fname, (*((HTDirNode **) b))->fname); #endif } /* HTDir_free ** ---------- ** If we are sorting then do the sorting and put out the list, ** else just append the end of the list. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTDir_free (HTDir * dir) { if (!dir) return NO; if (dir->key != HT_DK_NONE) { HTArray *array = dir->array; void **data; HTDirNode *node; HTDir_headLine(dir); HTArray_sort(array, (dir->key==HT_DK_CINS ? DirCaseSort : DirSort)); node = (HTDirNode *) HTArray_firstObject(array, data); while (node) { HTDirNode_print(dir, node); HTDirNode_free(node); node = (HTDirNode *) HTArray_nextObject(array, data); } dir->size = HTArray_size(array); HTArray_delete(array); } /* Put out the end of the HTML stuff */ { HTStructured *target = dir->target; START(HTML_HR); if (!dir->size) PUTS("Empty directory"); else if (dir->size == 1) PUTS("1 File"); else { char buffer[20]; sprintf(buffer, "%u files", dir->size); PUTS(buffer); } END(HTML_PRE); END(HTML_BODY); END(HTML_HTML); FREE_TARGET; } HT_FREE(dir->fnbuf); HT_FREE(dir->lnbuf); HT_FREE(dir->base); HT_FREE(dir); return YES; }