/* HTCache.c ** CACHE WRITER ** ** (c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995. ** Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH. ** @(#) $Id: HTCache.c,v 2.50 1998/05/04 19:36:20 frystyk Exp $ ** ** This modules manages the cache ** ** History: ** HFN: spawned from HTFwrite ** HWL: converted the caching scheme to be hierachical by taking ** AL code from Deamon ** */ /* Library include files */ #include "wwwsys.h" #include "WWWUtil.h" #include "WWWCore.h" #include "WWWTrans.h" #include "WWWApp.h" #include "HTCache.h" /* Implemented here */ /* This is the default cache directory: */ #define HT_CACHE_LOC "/tmp/" #define HT_CACHE_ROOT "w3c-cache/" #define HT_CACHE_INDEX ".index" #define HT_CACHE_LOCK ".lock" #define HT_CACHE_META ".meta" #define HT_CACHE_ETAG "@w3c@" /* Default heuristics cache expirations - thanks to Jeff Mogul for good comments! */ #define NO_LM_EXPIRATION 24*3600 /* 24 hours */ #define MAX_LM_EXPIRATION 48*3600 /* Max expiration from LM */ /* ** If using LM to find the expiration then take 10% and no more than ** MAX_LM_EXPIRATION. */ #ifndef LM_EXPIRATION #define LM_EXPIRATION(t) (HTMIN((MAX_LM_EXPIRATION), (t) / 10)) #endif #define WARN_HEURISTICS 24*3600 /* When to issue a warning */ #define HASH_SIZE 599 #define DUMP_FREQUENCY 20 /* Dump index after 20 loads */ #define MEGA 0x100000L #define CACHE_SIZE (20*MEGA) /* Default cache size is 20M */ #define MIN_CACHE_SIZE (5*MEGA) /* Min cache size */ #define SIZE_BUFFER (1*MEGA) /* Buffer for metainfo and directories */ /* Final states have negative value */ typedef enum _CacheState { CL_ERROR = -3, CL_NO_DATA = -2, CL_GOT_DATA = -1, CL_BEGIN = 0, CL_NEED_BODY, CL_NEED_OPEN_FILE, CL_NEED_CONTENT } CacheState; /* This is the context structure for the this module */ typedef struct _cache_info { CacheState state; /* Current state of the connection */ char * local; /* Local representation of file name */ struct stat stat_info; /* Contains actual file chosen */ HTNet * net; } cache_info; struct _HTCache { /* Location */ int hash; char * url; char * cachename; /* GC parameters */ char * etag; BOOL range; /* Is this the full part or a subpart? */ BOOL must_revalidate; int hits; /* Hit counts */ long size; /* Size of cached entity body */ time_t lm; /* Last modified */ time_t expires; time_t freshness_lifetime; time_t response_time; time_t corrected_initial_age; HTRequest * lock; }; struct _HTStream { const HTStreamClass * isa; FILE * fp; long bytes_written; /* Number of bytes written */ HTCache * cache; HTRequest * request; HTResponse * response; HTChunk * buffer; /* For index reading */ HTEOLState EOLstate; BOOL append; /* Creating or appending? */ }; struct _HTInputStream { const HTInputStreamClass * isa; }; /* Cache parameters */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCacheEnable = NO; /* Disabled by default */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCacheInitialized = NO; PRIVATE char * HTCacheRoot = NULL; /* Destination for cache */ PRIVATE HTExpiresMode HTExpMode = HT_EXPIRES_IGNORE; PRIVATE HTDisconnectedMode DisconnectedMode = HT_DISCONNECT_NONE; /* Heuristic expiration parameters */ PRIVATE int DefaultExpiration = NO_LM_EXPIRATION; /* List of cache entries */ PRIVATE HTList ** CacheTable = NULL; /* Cache size variables */ PRIVATE long HTCacheSize = CACHE_SIZE; PRIVATE long HTTotalSize = 0L; PRIVATE int new_entries = 0; /* Number of new entries */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE GARBAGE COLLECTOR */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCacheGarbage (void) { long old_size = HTTotalSize; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Garbage collecting\n"); if (CacheTable) { time_t cur_time = time(NULL); HTList * cur; int cnt; int hits; /* ** Tell the use that we're gc'ing. */ { HTAlertCallback * cbf = HTAlert_find(HT_PROG_GC); if (cbf) (*cbf)(NULL, HT_PROG_GC, HT_MSG_NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* ** Walk through and delete all the expired entries. If this is not ** sufficient then take the fresh ones which have the lowest cache ** hit count. This algorithm could be made a lot fancier by including ** the size and also the pain it took to get the document in the first ** case. It could also include max_stale. */ if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Collecting Stale entries\n"); for (cnt=0; cntresponse_time; time_t current_age = pres->corrected_initial_age + resident_time; if (pres->freshness_lifetime < current_age) { HTCache_remove(pres); cur = old_cur; } else { old_cur = cur; } } } } /* ** We must at least free the min buffer size so that we don't ** dead lock ourselves. We start from the bottom up by taking ** all the documents with 0 hits, 1 hits, 2 hits, etc. */ hits = 0; while (1) { BOOL removed = NO; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Collecting entries with %d hits\n",hits); if (HTTotalSize + SIZE_BUFFER > HTCacheSize) { for (cnt=0; cnthits <= hits) { HTCache_remove(pres); cur = old_cur; removed = YES; } else { old_cur = cur; } } } } } else break; if (!removed) break; hits++; } if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Size reduced from %ld to %ld\n", old_size, HTTotalSize); /* ** Dump the new content to the index file */ HTCacheIndex_write(HTCacheRoot); new_entries = 0; return YES; } return NO; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE INDEX */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PRIVATE char * cache_index_name (const char * cache_root) { if (cache_root) { char * location = NULL; if ((location = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(cache_root) + strlen(HT_CACHE_INDEX) + 1)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("cache_index_name"); strcpy(location, cache_root); strcat(location, HT_CACHE_INDEX); return location; } return NULL; } /* ** Remove the cache index file */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheIndex_delete (const char * cache_root) { if (cache_root) { char * index = cache_index_name(cache_root); REMOVE(index); HT_FREE(index); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Walk through the list of cached objects and save them to disk. ** We override any existing version but that is normally OK as we have ** already read its contents. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheIndex_write (const char * cache_root) { if (cache_root && CacheTable) { char * index = cache_index_name(cache_root); FILE * fp = NULL; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. Writing index `%s\'\n", index); /* ** Open the file for writing. Note - we don't take a backup! ** This should probably be fixed! */ if (!index) return NO; if ((fp = fopen(index, "wb")) == NULL) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. Can't open `%s\' for writing\n", index); HT_FREE(index); return NO; } /* ** Walk through the list and write it out. The format is really ** simple as we keep it all in ASCII. */ { HTList * cur; int cnt; for (cnt=0; cnturl, pres->cachename, pres->etag ? pres->etag : HT_CACHE_ETAG, (long) (pres->lm), (long) (pres->expires), pres->size, pres->range+0x30, pres->hash, pres->hits, (long) (pres->freshness_lifetime), (long) (pres->response_time), (long) (pres->corrected_initial_age), pres->must_revalidate+0x30) < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. Error writing cache index\n"); return NO; } } } } } /* Done writing */ fclose(fp); HT_FREE(index); } return NO; } /* ** Load one line of index file ** Returns YES if line OK, else NO */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCacheIndex_parseLine (char * line) { HTCache * cache = NULL; if (line) { char validate; char range; if ((cache = (HTCache *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTCache))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCacheIndex_parseLine"); /* ** Read the line and create the cache object */ { char * url = HTNextField(&line); char * cachename = HTNextField(&line); char * etag = HTNextField(&line); StrAllocCopy(cache->url, url); StrAllocCopy(cache->cachename, cachename); if (strcmp(etag, HT_CACHE_ETAG)) StrAllocCopy(cache->etag, etag); } #ifdef HAVE_LONG_TIME_T /* ** On some 64 bit machines (alpha) time_t is of type int and not long. ** This means that we have to adjust sscanf accordingly so that we ** know what we are looking for. Otherwise er may get unalignment ** problems. */ if (sscanf(line, "%ld %ld %ld %c %d %d %ld %ld %ld %c", #else if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %ld %c %d %d %d %d %d %c", #endif &cache->lm, &cache->expires, &cache->size, &range, &cache->hash, &cache->hits, &cache->freshness_lifetime, &cache->response_time, &cache->corrected_initial_age, &validate) < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. Error reading cache index\n"); return NO; } cache->range = range-0x30; cache->must_revalidate = validate-0x30; /* ** Create the new anchor and fill in the expire information we have read ** in the index. */ if (cache) { HTAnchor * anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(cache->url); HTParentAnchor * parent = HTAnchor_parent(anchor); HTAnchor_setExpires(parent, cache->expires); HTAnchor_setLastModified(parent, cache->lm); if (cache->etag) HTAnchor_setEtag(parent, cache->etag); } /* ** Create the cache table if not already existent and add the new ** entry. Also check that the hash is still within bounds */ if (!CacheTable) { if ((CacheTable = (HTList **) HT_CALLOC(HASH_SIZE, sizeof(HTList *))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_parseLine"); } if (cache->hash >= 0 && cache->hash < HASH_SIZE) { int hash = cache->hash; if (!CacheTable[hash]) CacheTable[hash] = HTList_new(); HTList_addObject(CacheTable[hash], (void *) cache); } /* Update the total cache size */ HTTotalSize += cache->size; return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Folding is either of CF LWS, LF LWS, CRLF LWS */ PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_put_block (HTStream * me, const char * b, int l) { while (l > 0) { if (me->EOLstate == EOL_FCR) { if (*b == LF) /* CRLF */ me->EOLstate = EOL_FLF; else if (isspace((int) *b)) /* Folding: CR SP */ me->EOLstate = EOL_DOT; else { /* New line */ HTCacheIndex_parseLine(HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (me->EOLstate == EOL_FLF) { if (isspace((int) *b)) /* Folding: LF SP or CR LF SP */ me->EOLstate = EOL_DOT; else { /* New line */ HTCacheIndex_parseLine(HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (me->EOLstate == EOL_DOT) { if (isspace((int) *b)) { me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_putc(me->buffer, ' '); } else { HTCacheIndex_parseLine(HTChunk_data(me->buffer)); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); continue; } } else if (*b == CR) { me->EOLstate = EOL_FCR; } else if (*b == LF) { me->EOLstate = EOL_FLF; /* Line found */ } else HTChunk_putc(me->buffer, *b); l--; b++; } return HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_put_character (HTStream * me, char c) { return HTCacheIndex_put_block(me, &c, 1); } PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_put_string (HTStream * me, const char * s) { return HTCacheIndex_put_block(me, s, (int) strlen(s)); } PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_flush (HTStream * me) { if (me) { char * flush = HTChunk_data(me->buffer); if (flush) HTCacheIndex_parseLine(flush); HTChunk_clear(me->buffer); } return HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_free (HTStream * me) { if (me) { int status = HTCacheIndex_flush(me); if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. FREEING....\n"); HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); HT_FREE(me); return status; } return HT_ERROR; } PRIVATE int HTCacheIndex_abort (HTStream * me, HTList * e) { if (me) { int status = HT_ERROR; if (APP_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Index. ABORTING...\n"); HTChunk_delete(me->buffer); HT_FREE(me); return status; } return HT_ERROR; } /* Structured Object Class ** ----------------------- */ PRIVATE const HTStreamClass HTCacheIndexClass = { "CacheIndexParser", HTCacheIndex_flush, HTCacheIndex_free, HTCacheIndex_abort, HTCacheIndex_put_character, HTCacheIndex_put_string, HTCacheIndex_put_block }; PRIVATE HTStream * HTCacheIndexReader (HTRequest * request) { HTStream * me; if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCacheIndexs"); me->isa = &HTCacheIndexClass; me->request = request; me->buffer = HTChunk_new(512); me->EOLstate = EOL_BEGIN; return me; } /* ** Read the saved set of cached entries from disk. we only allow the index ** ro be read when there is no entries in memory. That way we can ensure ** consistancy. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheIndex_read (const char * cache_root) { BOOL status = NO; if (cache_root && CacheTable == NULL) { BOOL wasInteractive; char * file = cache_index_name(cache_root); char * index = HTParse(file, "cache:", PARSE_ALL); HTAnchor * anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(index); HTRequest * request = HTRequest_new(); HTRequest_setPreemptive(request, YES); HTRequest_setOutputFormat(request, WWW_SOURCE); HTRequest_setOutputStream(request, HTCacheIndexReader(request)); HTRequest_setAnchor(request, anchor); HTAnchor_setFormat((HTParentAnchor *) anchor, HTAtom_for("www/cache-index")); wasInteractive = HTAlert_interactive(); HTAlert_setInteractive(NO); status = HTLoad(request, NO); HTAlert_setInteractive(wasInteractive); HTRequest_delete(request); HT_FREE(file); HT_FREE(index); } return status; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE PARAMETERS */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PRIVATE BOOL create_cache_root (const char * cache_root) { struct stat stat_info; char * loc = NULL; char * cur = NULL; BOOL create = NO; if (!cache_root) return NO; StrAllocCopy(loc, cache_root); /* Get our own copy */ cur = loc+1; while ((cur = strchr(cur, '/'))) { *cur = '\0'; if (create || HT_STAT(loc, &stat_info) == -1) { create = YES; /* To avoid doing stat()s in vain */ if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Creating dir `%s\'\n", loc); if (MKDIR(loc, 0777) < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... can't create\n"); HT_FREE(loc); return NO; } } else { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... dir `%s\' already exists\n", loc); } *cur++ = '/'; } HT_FREE(loc); return YES; } /* ** If `cache_root' is NULL then the current value (might be a define) ** Should we check if the cache_root is actually OK? I think not! */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCacheMode_setRoot (const char * cache_root) { if (cache_root) { StrAllocCopy(HTCacheRoot, cache_root); if (*(HTCacheRoot+strlen(HTCacheRoot)-1) != '/') StrAllocCat(HTCacheRoot, "/"); } else { /* ** If no cache root has been indicated then look for a suitable ** location. */ char * cr = (char *) getenv("TMPDIR"); #if 0 /* ** Windows screws this up pretty bad :-( */ if (!cr) cr = (char *) getenv("TMP"); if (!cr) cr = (char *) getenv("TEMP"); #endif if (!cr) cr = HT_CACHE_LOC; StrAllocCopy(HTCacheRoot, cr); if (*(HTCacheRoot+strlen(HTCacheRoot)-1) != '/') StrAllocCat(HTCacheRoot, "/"); StrAllocCat(HTCacheRoot, HT_CACHE_ROOT); if (*(HTCacheRoot+strlen(HTCacheRoot)-1) != '/') StrAllocCat(HTCacheRoot, "/"); } if (create_cache_root(HTCacheRoot) == NO) return NO; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache Root.. Root set to `%s\'\n", HTCacheRoot); return YES; } /* ** Return the value of the cache root. The cache root can only be ** set through the HTCacheInit() function */ PUBLIC const char * HTCacheMode_getRoot (void) { return HTCacheRoot; } /* ** As this is a single user cache, we have to lock it when in use. */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_getSingleUserLock (const char * root) { if (root) { FILE * fp; char * location = NULL; if ((location = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(root) + strlen(HT_CACHE_LOCK) + 1)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_getLock"); strcpy(location, root); strcat(location, HT_CACHE_LOCK); if ((fp = fopen(location, "r")) != NULL) { HTAlertCallback *cbf = HTAlert_find(HT_A_CONFIRM); HTTrace("Cache....... In `%s\' is already in use\n", root); if (cbf) (*cbf)(NULL, HT_A_CONFIRM, HT_MSG_CACHE_LOCK,NULL,location,NULL); fclose(fp); HT_FREE(location); return NO; } if ((fp = fopen(location, "w")) == NULL) { HTTrace("Cache....... Can't open `%s\' for writing\n", location); HT_FREE(location); return NO; } HT_FREE(location); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Release the single user lock */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_deleteSingleUserLock (const char * root) { if (root) { char * location = NULL; if ((location = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(root) + strlen(HT_CACHE_LOCK) + 1)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_deleteLock"); strcpy(location, root); strcat(location, HT_CACHE_LOCK); REMOVE(location); HT_FREE(location); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** If `cache_root' is NULL then reuse old value or use HT_CACHE_ROOT. ** An empty string will make '/' as cache root ** We can only enable the cache if the HTSecure flag is not set. This ** is for example the case if using an application as a telnet shell. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheInit (const char * cache_root, int size) { if (!HTLib_secure() && !HTCacheRoot) { /* ** Find an appropriate root for the cache */ if (HTCacheMode_setRoot(cache_root) != YES) return NO; /* ** Set the max size of the cache */ HTCacheMode_setMaxSize(size); /* ** Set a lock on the cache so that multiple users ** don't step on each other. */ if (HTCache_getSingleUserLock(HTCacheRoot) == NO) return NO; /* ** Look for the cache index and read the contents */ HTCacheIndex_read(HTCacheRoot); /* ** Do caching from now on */ HTCacheEnable = YES; HTCacheInitialized = YES; return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Turns off the cache and updates entries on disk. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheTerminate (void) { if (HTCacheInitialized) { /* ** Write the index to file */ HTCacheIndex_write(HTCacheRoot); /* ** Set a lock on the cache so that multiple users ** don't step on each other. */ HTCache_deleteSingleUserLock(HTCacheRoot); /* ** Cleanup memory by deleting all HTCache objects */ HTCache_deleteAll(); /* ** Don't do anymore caching from now on */ HT_FREE(HTCacheRoot); HTCacheEnable = NO; return YES; } return NO; } /* ** The cache can be temporarily suspended by using the enable/disable ** flag. This does not prevent the cache from being enabled/disable at ** a later point in time. */ PUBLIC void HTCacheMode_setEnabled (BOOL mode) { HTCacheEnable = mode; } PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheMode_enabled (void) { return HTCacheEnable; } /* ** We can set the cache to operate in disconnected mode in which we only ** return (valid) responses from the cache. Disconnected mode does not ** automatically deliver stale documents as this must be declared ** explicitly. */ PUBLIC void HTCacheMode_setDisconnected (HTDisconnectedMode mode) { DisconnectedMode = mode; } PUBLIC HTDisconnectedMode HTCacheMode_disconnected (void) { return DisconnectedMode; } PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheMode_isDisconnected (HTReload mode) { return (DisconnectedMode != HT_DISCONNECT_NONE); } /* ** Set the mode for how we handle Expires header from the local history ** list. The following modes are available: ** ** HT_EXPIRES_IGNORE : No update in the history list ** HT_EXPIRES_NOTIFY : The user is notified but no reload ** HT_EXPIRES_AUTO : Automatic reload */ PUBLIC void HTCacheMode_setExpires (HTExpiresMode mode) { HTExpMode = mode; } PUBLIC HTExpiresMode HTCacheMode_expires (void) { return HTExpMode; } /* ** Cache size management. We set the default cache size to 20M. ** We set the minimum size to 5M in order not to get into weird ** problems while writing the cache. The size is indicated in Mega ** bytes */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCacheMode_setMaxSize (int size) { long new_size = size < 5 ? MIN_CACHE_SIZE : size * MEGA; if (new_size < HTTotalSize) HTCacheGarbage(); HTCacheSize = new_size - SIZE_BUFFER; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache...... Total cache size: %ld\n", new_size); return YES; } PUBLIC int HTCacheMode_maxSize (void) { return HTCacheSize / MEGA; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE OBJECT */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PRIVATE BOOL free_object (HTCache * me) { HT_FREE(me->url); HT_FREE(me->cachename); HT_FREE(me->etag); HT_FREE(me); return YES; } PRIVATE BOOL delete_object (HTList * list, HTCache * me) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... delete %p from list %p\n",me, list); HTList_removeObject(list, (void *) me); HTTotalSize -= me->size; free_object(me); return YES; } /* ** Create directory path for cache file ** ** On exit: ** return YES ** if directories created -- after that caller ** can rely on fopen(cfn,"w") succeeding. ** */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_createLocation (HTCache * me) { if (me && HTCacheRoot) { BOOL status = YES; char * path = NULL; struct stat stat_info; if ((path = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(HTCacheRoot) + 10)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_createLocation"); /* ** Find the path and check whether the directory already exists or not */ sprintf(path, "%s%d", HTCacheRoot, me->hash); if (HT_STAT(path, &stat_info) == -1) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Create dir `%s\'\n", path); if (MKDIR(path, 0777) < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Can't create...\n"); status = NO; } } else { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Directory `%s\' already exists\n", path); } /* ** Find a non-existent filename within the path that we just created */ me->cachename = HTGetTmpFileName(path); HT_FREE(path); return status; } return NO; } /* ** Find a cache filename for this cache object. */ #if 0 PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_findName (HTCache * me) { if (me) { /* ** Create path for this cache entry. We base the cache location on the ** hash calculated as a function of the URL. That way, we ensure a ** resonably uniform distribution. */ me->cachename = HTGetTmpFileName(NULL); return HTCache_createLocation(me); } return NO; } #endif /* ** Calculate the corrected_initial_age of the object. We use the time ** when this function is called as the response_time as this is when ** we have received the complete response. This may cause a delay if ** the reponse header is very big but should not cause any incorrect ** behavior. */ PRIVATE BOOL calculate_time (HTCache * me, HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response) { if (me && request) { HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); time_t date = HTAnchor_date(anchor); me->response_time = time(NULL); me->expires = HTAnchor_expires(anchor); { time_t apparent_age = HTMAX(0, me->response_time - date); time_t corrected_received_age = HTMAX(apparent_age, HTAnchor_age(anchor)); time_t response_delay = me->response_time - HTRequest_date(request); me->corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay; } /* ** Estimate an expires time using the max-age and expires time. If we ** don't have an explicit expires time then set it to 10% of the LM ** date (although max 24 h). If no LM date is available then use 24 hours. */ { time_t freshness_lifetime = HTResponse_maxAge(response); if (freshness_lifetime < 0) { if (me->expires < 0) { time_t lm = HTAnchor_lastModified(anchor); if (lm < 0) { freshness_lifetime = DefaultExpiration; } else { freshness_lifetime = LM_EXPIRATION(date - lm); if (freshness_lifetime > WARN_HEURISTICS) HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_WARN, NO, HTERR_HEURISTIC_EXPIRATION, NULL, 0, "calculate_time"); } } else freshness_lifetime = me->expires - date; } me->freshness_lifetime = HTMAX(0, freshness_lifetime); } if (CACHE_TRACE) { HTTrace("Cache....... Received Age %d, corrected %d, freshness lifetime %d\n", HTAnchor_age(anchor), me->corrected_initial_age, me->freshness_lifetime); } return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Create a new cache entry and add it to the list */ PRIVATE HTCache * HTCache_new (HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response, HTParentAnchor * anchor) { HTList * list = NULL; /* Current list in cache */ HTCache * pres = NULL; int hash = 0; char * url = NULL; if (!request || !response || !anchor) { if (CORE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Bad argument\n"); return NULL; } /* Find a hash for this anchor */ if ((url = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) anchor))) { char * ptr; for (ptr=url; *ptr; ptr++) hash = (int) ((hash * 3 + (*(unsigned char *) ptr)) % HASH_SIZE); if (!CacheTable) { if ((CacheTable = (HTList **) HT_CALLOC(HASH_SIZE, sizeof(HTList *))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_new"); } if (!CacheTable[hash]) CacheTable[hash] = HTList_new(); list = CacheTable[hash]; } else return NULL; /* Search the cache */ { HTList * cur = list; while ((pres = (HTCache *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (!strcmp(pres->url, url)) break; } } /* If not found then create new cache object, else use existing one */ if (!pres) { if ((pres = (HTCache *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTCache))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_new"); pres->hash = hash; pres->url = url; pres->range = NO; HTCache_createLocation(pres); HTList_addObject(list, (void *) pres); new_entries++; } else HT_FREE(url); if (HTCache_hasLock(pres)) { if (HTCache_breakLock(pres, request) == NO) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Entry %p already in use\n"); return pres; } } HTCache_getLock(pres, request); /* Calculate the various times */ calculate_time(pres, request, response); /* Get the last-modified and etag values if any */ { char * etag = HTAnchor_etag(anchor); if (etag) StrAllocCopy(pres->etag, etag); pres->lm = HTAnchor_lastModified(anchor); } /* Must we revalidate this every time? */ pres->must_revalidate = HTResponse_mustRevalidate(response); return pres; } /* ** Set the size of a cached object. We don't consider the metainformation as ** part of the size which is the the reason for why the min cache size should ** not be less than 5M. When we set the cache size we also check whether we ** should run the gc or not. */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_setSize (HTCache * cache, long written, BOOL append) { if (cache) { /* ** First look to see if we already have registered this cache entry ** with a certain size. This size may be a subpart of the total entity ** (in case the download was interrupted) */ if (cache->size > 0 && !append) HTTotalSize -= cache->size; cache->size = written; HTTotalSize += written; /* ** Now add the new size to the total cache size. If the new size is ** bigger than the legal cache size then start the gc. */ if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Total size %ld\n", HTTotalSize); if (HTTotalSize > HTCacheSize) HTCacheGarbage(); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Verifies if a cache object exists for this URL and if so returns a URL ** for the cached object. It does not verify whether the object is valid or ** not, for example it might have expired. ** ** Returns: file name If OK (must be freed by caller) ** NULL If no cache object found */ PUBLIC HTCache * HTCache_find (HTParentAnchor * anchor) { HTList * list = NULL; HTCache * pres = NULL; /* Find a hash entry for this URL */ if (HTCacheMode_enabled() && anchor && CacheTable) { char * url = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor *) anchor); int hash = 0; char * ptr = url; for (; *ptr; ptr++) hash = (int) ((hash * 3 + (*(unsigned char *) ptr)) % HASH_SIZE); if (!CacheTable[hash]) { HT_FREE(url); return NULL; } list = CacheTable[hash]; /* Search the cache */ { HTList * cur = list; while ((pres = (HTCache *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (!strcmp(pres->url, url)) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Found %p hits %d\n", pres, pres->hits); break; } } } HT_FREE(url); } return pres; } /* HTCache_delete ** -------------- ** Deletes a cache entry */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_delete (HTCache * cache) { if (cache && CacheTable) { HTList * cur = CacheTable[cache->hash]; return cur && delete_object(cur, cache); } return NO; } /* HTCache_deleteAll ** ----------------- ** Destroys all cache entried in memory but does not write anything to ** disk */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_deleteAll (void) { if (CacheTable) { HTList * cur; int cnt; /* Delete the rest */ for (cnt=0; cntcachename && *cache->cachename) { if ((local = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(cache->cachename) + strlen(HT_CACHE_META) + 5)) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTCache_metaLocation"); sprintf(local, "%s%s", cache->cachename, HT_CACHE_META); } return local; } /* ** Walk through the set of headers and write those out that we are allowed ** to store in the cache. We look into the connection header to see what the ** hop-by-hop headers are and also into the cache-control directive to see what ** headers should not be cached. */ PRIVATE BOOL meta_write (FILE * fp, HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response) { if (fp && request && response) { HTAssocList * headers = HTAnchor_header(HTRequest_anchor(request)); HTAssocList * connection = HTResponse_connection(response); char * nocache = HTResponse_noCache(response); /* ** If we don't have any headers then just return now. */ if (!headers) return NO; /* ** Check whether either the connection header or the cache control ** header includes header names that we should not cache */ if (connection || nocache) { /* ** Walk though the cache control no-cache directive */ if (nocache) { char * line = NULL; char * ptr = NULL; char * field = NULL; StrAllocCopy(line, nocache); /* Get our own copy */ ptr = line; while ((field = HTNextField(&ptr)) != NULL) HTAssocList_removeObject(headers, field); HT_FREE(line); } /* ** Walk though the connection header */ if (connection) { HTAssoc * pres; while ((pres=(HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(connection))) { char * field = HTAssoc_name(pres); HTAssocList_removeObject(headers, field); } } } /* ** Write out the remaining list of headers that we not already store ** in the index file. */ { HTAssocList * cur = headers; HTAssoc * pres; while ((pres = (HTAssoc *) HTAssocList_nextObject(cur))) { char * name = HTAssoc_name(pres); /* Don't write the headers that are already hop-by-hop */ if (strcasecomp(name, "connection") && strcasecomp(name, "keep-alive") && strcasecomp(name, "proxy-authenticate") && strcasecomp(name, "proxy-authorization") && strcasecomp(name, "transfer-encoding") && strcasecomp(name, "upgrade")) { if (fprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n", name, HTAssoc_value(pres)) < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Error writing metainfo\n"); return NO; } } } } /* ** Terminate the header with a newline */ if (fprintf(fp, "\n") < 0) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Error writing metainfo\n"); return NO; } return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Save the metainformation for the data object. If no headers ** are available then the meta file is empty */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_writeMeta (HTCache * cache, HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response) { if (cache && request && response) { BOOL status; FILE * fp; char * name = HTCache_metaLocation(cache); if (!name) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Invalid cache entry\n"); HTCache_remove(cache); return NO; } if ((fp = fopen(name, "wb")) == NULL) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Can't open `%s\' for writing\n", name); HTCache_remove(cache); HT_FREE(name); return NO; } status = meta_write(fp, request, response); fclose(fp); HT_FREE(name); return status; } return NO; } PRIVATE BOOL meta_read (FILE * fp, HTRequest * request, HTStream * target) { if (fp && request && target) { int status; char buffer[512]; while (1) { if ((status = fread(buffer, 1, 512, fp)) <= 0) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Meta information loaded\n"); return YES; } /* Send the data down the pipe */ status = (*target->isa->put_block)(target, buffer, status); if (status == HT_LOADED) { (*target->isa->flush)(target); return YES; } if (status < 0) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Target ERROR %d\n", status); break; } } } return NO; } /* ** Read the metainformation for the data object. If no headers are ** available then the meta file is empty */ PRIVATE BOOL HTCache_readMeta (HTCache * cache, HTRequest * request) { HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); if (cache && request && anchor) { BOOL status; FILE * fp; char * name = HTCache_metaLocation(cache); if (!name) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Invalid meta name\n", name); HTCache_remove(cache); return NO; } if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Looking for `%s\'\n", name); if ((fp = fopen(name, "rb")) == NULL) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Can't open `%s\' for reading\n", name); HTCache_remove(cache); HT_FREE(name); } else { HTStream * target = HTStreamStack(WWW_MIME_HEAD, WWW_DEBUG, HTBlackHole(), request, NO); /* ** Make sure that we save the reponse information in the anchor */ HTResponse_setCachable(HTRequest_response(request), YES); status = meta_read(fp, request, target); (*target->isa->_free)(target); fclose(fp); HT_FREE(name); return status; } } return NO; } /* ** Merge metainformation with existing version. This means that we have had a ** successful validation and hence a true cache hit. We only regard the ** following headers: Date, content-location, expires, cache-control, and vary. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_updateMeta (HTCache * cache, HTRequest * request, HTResponse * response) { if (cache && request && response) { HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); cache->hits++; /* Calculate the various times */ calculate_time(cache, request, response); /* Get the last-modified and etag values if any */ { char * etag = HTAnchor_etag(anchor); if (etag) StrAllocCopy(cache->etag, etag); cache->lm = HTAnchor_lastModified(anchor); } /* Must we revalidate this every time? */ cache->must_revalidate = HTResponse_mustRevalidate(response); return YES; } return NO; } /* ** Remove from disk. You must explicitly remove a lock ** before this operation can succeed */ PRIVATE BOOL flush_object (HTCache * cache) { if (cache && !HTCache_hasLock(cache)) { char * head = HTCache_metaLocation(cache); REMOVE(head); HT_FREE(head); REMOVE(cache->cachename); return YES; } return NO; } /* HTCache_flushAll ** ---------------- ** Destroys all cache entried in memory and on disk. Resets the cache ** to empty but the cache does not have to be reinitialized before we ** can use it again. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_flushAll (void) { if (CacheTable) { HTList * cur; int cnt; /* Delete the rest */ for (cnt=0; cntrange) { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "%ld-", cache->size); if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Asking for range `%s\'\n", buf); HTRequest_addRange(request, "bytes", buf); HTRequest_addRqHd(request, HT_C_RANGE); return HT_CACHE_RANGE_VALIDATE; } /* ** In case this entry is of type "must-revalidate" then we just ** go ahead and validate it. */ if (cache->must_revalidate) return HT_CACHE_VALIDATE; /* ** Check whether we have any special constraints like min-fresh in ** the cache control */ if (cc) { char * token = NULL; if ((token = HTAssocList_findObject(cc, "max-age"))) max_age = atol(token); if ((token = HTAssocList_findObject(cc, "max-stale"))) max_stale = atol(token); if ((token = HTAssocList_findObject(cc, "min-fresh"))) min_fresh = atol(token); } /* ** Now do the checking against the age constraints that we've got */ { time_t resident_time = time(NULL) - cache->response_time; time_t current_age = cache->corrected_initial_age + resident_time; /* ** Check that the max-age, max-stale, and min-fresh directives ** given in the request cache control header is followed. */ if (max_age >= 0 && current_age > max_age) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Max-age validation\n"); return HT_CACHE_VALIDATE; } if (min_fresh >= 0 && cache->freshness_lifetime < current_age + min_fresh) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Min-fresh validation\n"); return HT_CACHE_VALIDATE; } return (cache->freshness_lifetime + (max_stale >= 0 ? max_stale : 0) > current_age) ? HT_CACHE_OK : HT_CACHE_VALIDATE; } } return HT_CACHE_FLUSH; } /* ** While we are creating a new cache object or while we are validating an ** existing one, we must have a lock on the entry so that not other ** requests can get to it in the mean while. */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_getLock (HTCache * cache, HTRequest * request) { if (cache && request) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Locking cache entry %p\n", cache); cache->lock = request; return YES; } return NO; } PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_releaseLock (HTCache * cache) { if (cache) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Unlocking cache entry %p\n", cache); cache->lock = NULL; return YES; } return NO; } PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_hasLock (HTCache * cache) { return cache && cache->lock; } PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_breakLock (HTCache * cache, HTRequest * request) { if (cache && cache->lock) { if (cache->lock == request) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Breaking lock on entry %p\n", cache); cache->lock = NULL; return YES; } } return NO; } /* ** Is we have a valid entry in the cache then we also need a location ** where we can get it. Hopefully, we may be able to access it ** thourgh one of our protocol modules, for example the local file ** module. The name returned is in URL syntax and must be freed by ** the caller */ PUBLIC char * HTCache_name (HTCache * cache) { if (cache) { char * local = cache->cachename; char * url = HTParse(local, "cache:", PARSE_ALL); return url; } return NULL; } /* ** Remove from memory AND from disk. You must explicitly remove a lock ** before this operation can succeed */ PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_remove (HTCache * cache) { return flush_object(cache) && HTCache_delete(cache); } PUBLIC BOOL HTCache_addHit (HTCache * cache) { if (cache) { cache->hits++; if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Hits for %p is %d\n", cache, cache->hits); return YES; } return NO; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE WRITER */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PRIVATE BOOL free_stream (HTStream * me, BOOL abort) { if (me) { HTCache * cache = me->cache; /* ** We close the file object. This does not mean that we have the ** complete object. In case of an "abort" then we only have a part, ** however, next time we do a load we can use byte ranges to complete ** the request. */ if (me->fp) fclose(me->fp); /* ** We are done storing the object body and can update the cache entry. ** Also update the meta information entry on disk as well. When we ** are done we don't need the lock anymore. */ if (cache) { HTCache_writeMeta(cache, me->request, me->response); HTCache_releaseLock(cache); /* ** Remember if this is the full entity body or only a subpart ** We assume that an abort will only give a part of the object. */ cache->range = abort; /* ** Set the size and maybe do gc. If it is an abort then set the ** byte range so that we can start from this point next time. We ** take the byte range as the number of bytes that we have already ** written to the cache entry. */ HTCache_setSize(cache, me->bytes_written, me->append); } /* ** In order not to loose information, we dump the current cache index ** every time we have created DUMP_FREQUENCY new entries */ if (new_entries > DUMP_FREQUENCY) { HTCacheIndex_write(HTCacheRoot); new_entries = 0; } HT_FREE(me); return YES; } return NO; } PRIVATE int HTCache_free (HTStream * me) { return free_stream(me, NO) ? HT_OK : HT_ERROR; } PRIVATE int HTCache_abort (HTStream * me, HTList * e) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... ABORTING\n"); free_stream(me, YES); return HT_ERROR; } PRIVATE int HTCache_flush (HTStream * me) { return (fflush(me->fp) == EOF) ? HT_ERROR : HT_OK; } PRIVATE int HTCache_putBlock (HTStream * me, const char * s, int l) { int status = (fwrite(s, 1, l, me->fp) != l) ? HT_ERROR : HT_OK; if (l > 1 && status == HT_OK) { HTCache_flush(me); me->bytes_written += l; } return status; } PRIVATE int HTCache_putChar (HTStream * me, char c) { return HTCache_putBlock(me, &c, 1); } PRIVATE int HTCache_putString (HTStream * me, const char * s) { return HTCache_putBlock(me, s, (int) strlen(s)); } PRIVATE const HTStreamClass HTCacheClass = { "Cache", HTCache_flush, HTCache_free, HTCache_abort, HTCache_putChar, HTCache_putString, HTCache_putBlock }; PRIVATE HTStream * HTCacheStream (HTRequest * request, BOOL append) { HTCache * cache = NULL; FILE * fp = NULL; HTResponse * response = HTRequest_response(request); HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); if (!HTCacheEnable || !HTCacheInitialized) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Not enabled\n"); return NULL; } /* Get a new cache entry */ if ((cache = HTCache_new(request, response, anchor)) == NULL) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Can't get a cache object\n"); return NULL; } /* Test that the cached object is not locked */ if (HTCache_hasLock(cache)) { if (HTCache_breakLock(cache, request) == NO) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Entry already in use\n"); return NULL; } } HTCache_getLock(cache, request); /* ** Test that we can actually write to the cache file. If the entry already ** existed then it will be overridden with the new data. */ if ((fp = fopen(cache->cachename, append ? "ab" : "wb")) == NULL) { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... Can't open `%s\' for writing\n", cache->cachename); HTCache_delete(cache); return NULL; } else { if (CACHE_TRACE) HTTrace("Cache....... %s file `%s\'\n", append ? "Append to" : "Creating", cache->cachename); } /* Set up the stream */ { HTStream * me = NULL; if ((me = (HTStream *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTStream))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("Cache"); me->isa = &HTCacheClass; me->request = request; me->response = response; me->cache = cache; me->fp = fp; me->append = append; return me; } return NULL; } PUBLIC HTStream * HTCacheWriter (HTRequest * request, void * param, HTFormat input_format, HTFormat output_format, HTStream * output_stream) { return HTCacheStream(request, NO); } PUBLIC HTStream * HTCacheAppend (HTRequest * request, void * param, HTFormat input_format, HTFormat output_format, HTStream * output_stream) { return HTCacheStream(request, YES); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CACHE READER */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ** This function closes the connection and frees memory. ** Returns YES on OK, else NO */ PRIVATE int CacheCleanup (HTRequest * req, int status) { HTNet * net = HTRequest_net(req); cache_info * cache = (cache_info *) HTNet_context(net); HTStream * input = HTRequest_inputStream(req); /* Free stream with data TO Local cache system */ if (input) { if (status == HT_INTERRUPTED) (*input->isa->abort)(input, NULL); else (*input->isa->_free)(input); HTRequest_setInputStream(req, NULL); } if (status != HT_IGNORE) { HTNet_delete(net, status); if (cache) { HT_FREE(cache->local); HT_FREE(cache); } } return YES; } /* ** This load function loads an object from the cache and puts it to the ** output defined by the request object. For the moment, this load function ** handles the persistent cache as if it was on local file but in fact ** it could be anywhere. ** ** Returns HT_ERROR Error has occured in call back ** HT_OK Call back was OK */ PRIVATE int CacheEvent (SOCKET soc, void * pVoid, HTEventType type); PUBLIC int HTLoadCache (SOCKET soc, HTRequest * request) { cache_info * cache; /* Specific access information */ HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); HTNet * net = HTRequest_net(request); /* ** Initiate a new cache structure and bind to request structure ** This is actually state CACHE_BEGIN, but it can't be in the state ** machine as we need the structure first. */ if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Load Cache.. Looking for `%s\'\n", HTAnchor_physical(anchor)); if ((cache = (cache_info *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(cache_info))) == NULL) HT_OUTOFMEM("HTLoadCACHE"); cache->state = CL_BEGIN; cache->net = net; HTNet_setContext(net, cache); HTNet_setEventCallback(net, CacheEvent); HTNet_setEventParam(net, cache); /* callbacks get http* */ return CacheEvent(soc, cache, HTEvent_BEGIN); /* get it started - ops is ignored */ } PRIVATE int CacheEvent (SOCKET soc, void * pVoid, HTEventType type) { cache_info * cache = (cache_info *)pVoid; int status = HT_ERROR; HTNet * net = cache->net; HTRequest * request = HTNet_request(net); HTParentAnchor * anchor = HTRequest_anchor(request); if (type == HTEvent_BEGIN) { cache->state = CL_BEGIN; } else if (type == HTEvent_CLOSE) { HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_INTERRUPTED, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); CacheCleanup(request, HT_INTERRUPTED); return HT_OK; } else if (type == HTEvent_END) { CacheCleanup(request, HT_OK); return HT_OK; } else if (type == HTEvent_RESET) { CacheCleanup(request, HT_RECOVER_PIPE); cache->state = CL_BEGIN; return HT_OK; } /* Now jump into the machine. We know the state from the previous run */ while (1) { switch (cache->state) { case CL_BEGIN: if (HTLib_secure()) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Load Cache.. No access to local file system\n"); cache->state = CL_ERROR; break; } cache->local = HTWWWToLocal(HTAnchor_physical(anchor), "", HTRequest_userProfile(request)); if (!cache->local) { cache->state = CL_ERROR; break; } /* ** Create a new host object and link it to the net object */ { HTHost * host = NULL; if ((host = HTHost_new(cache->local, 0)) == NULL) return HT_ERROR; HTNet_setHost(net, host); if (HTHost_addNet(host, net) == HT_PENDING) if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("HTLoadCache. Pending...\n"); } cache->state = CL_NEED_BODY; break; case CL_NEED_BODY: if (HT_STAT(cache->local, &cache->stat_info) == -1) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Load Cache.. Not found `%s\'\n", cache->local); HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO, HTERR_NOT_FOUND, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); cache->state = CL_ERROR; break; } /* ** The cache entry may be empty in which case we just return */ if (!cache->stat_info.st_size) { HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_FATAL, NO,HTERR_NO_CONTENT, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); cache->state = CL_NO_DATA; } else cache->state = CL_NEED_OPEN_FILE; break; case CL_NEED_OPEN_FILE: status = HTFileOpen(net, cache->local, HT_FT_RDONLY); if (status == HT_OK) { /* ** Create the stream pipe FROM the channel to the application. ** The target for the input stream pipe is set up using the ** stream stack. */ { HTStream * rstream = HTStreamStack(HTAnchor_format(anchor), HTRequest_outputFormat(request), HTRequest_outputStream(request), request, YES); HTNet_setReadStream(net, rstream); HTRequest_setOutputConnected(request, YES); } /* Set the return code as being OK */ HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_OK, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); cache->state = CL_NEED_CONTENT; #ifndef NO_UNIX_IO /* If we are _not_ using preemptive mode and we are Unix fd's ** then return here to get the same effect as when we are ** connecting to a socket. That way, HTCache acts just like any ** other protocol module even though we are in fact doing ** blocking connect */ if (!HTNet_preemptive(net)) { if (PROT_TRACE) HTTrace("Load Cache.. returning\n"); HTHost_register(HTNet_host(net), net, HTEvent_READ); return HT_OK; } #endif } else if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK || status == HT_PENDING) return HT_OK; else { HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_INTERNAL, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); cache->state = CL_ERROR; /* Error or interrupt */ } break; case CL_NEED_CONTENT: status = HTHost_read(HTNet_host(net), net); if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK) return HT_OK; else if (status == HT_LOADED || status == HT_CLOSED) { cache->state = CL_GOT_DATA; } else { HTRequest_addError(request, ERR_INFO, NO, HTERR_FORBIDDEN, NULL, 0, "HTLoadCache"); cache->state = CL_ERROR; } break; case CL_GOT_DATA: CacheCleanup(request, HT_NOT_MODIFIED); return HT_OK; break; case CL_NO_DATA: CacheCleanup(request, HT_NO_DATA); return HT_OK; break; case CL_ERROR: CacheCleanup(request, HT_ERROR); return HT_OK; break; } } /* End of while(1) */ }