W3C libwww Using

The Host Information Class

The Host class manages what we know about a remote host. This can for example be what type of host it is, and what version it is using. Notice that a host object can be used to describe both a server or a client - all information in the Host object can be shared regardless of whether it is to be used in a server application or a client application.

The Host class contains information about the remote host, for example the type (HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, FTP etc.) along with information on how the connections can be used (if it supports persistent connections, interleaved access etc.)

DocumentationConstructors, Destructors and Methods

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, libwww@w3.org,
@(#) $Id: Host.html,v 1.3 1996/12/09 03:23:58 jigsaw Exp $