Jigsaw Administration Guide

Jigsaw administration can (and should) be entirely done through the provided set of form based editors or by using the new graphical tool (see the available administration tools for more details). These editors are generally mapped to URLs under the /Admin directory of your server. If you have read carefully Jigsaw architectural overview , you should be aware that all configuration operations can be classified in one of the following categories:

This administration guide will go through each of these operations, and explain you how to use the form-based editors to achieve them. Note that it is easier noew to use the graphical tool (called JigAdmin),

Global server configuration

The global server configuration is the set of settings that indicate to the server the environment in which it should run. This environment is implemented as a set of Java properties, whose complete description is available here.

To edit these properties, Jigsaw comes with a form-based property editor, which allows you to:

To edit the properties, just point your browser to /Admin/Properties, and follow the instructions there.

Configuring the resource factory

The resource factory is the piece of software that maps exiting objects (i.e. files and directories) to resource instances. It maintains two databases that can be edited through HTML forms. The first database, the extensions database tells the indexer how to map files having some given extensions to resources. The second database, the directory templates database tells the indexer how to map directories of a given name to resources.

The extensions database

The extensions database maps file extensions to either resource classes, or default attribute values. To change the extensions database, point your browser to /Admin/Extensions. This displays the list of currently defined extensions. You can remove existing extensions by marking them (click on the checkbox to the right of the name), and pressing the Delete button.

To add an extension, follow the Add extension link at the bottom of the form. This will prompt you for the extension name and an optional extension class. If no class is provided, the resource factory will assume that you just want to define a default set of attributes for the resources wrapping files having this extension (for example, you may want to state that the en extension should cause the resource that wrap the file to have its content-language attribute set to en.).

If you do provide a class (which should be a valid Java classname, such as w3c.jigsaw.resources.FileResource), then files having the given extension will be exported by an instance of that class. The reference guide comes with a complete description of all available classes, but of course, you can define your own resource classes, and use them at will.

The directory template database

The directory templates database maps directory names to resources. When indexing a directory, the resource factory first looks for an existing directory template for the given name. If such a template exists, it is used (see below), otherwise, a default DirectoryResource is built to export the directory.

A directory template must specify the class of the resource to be used to export directories having the given name. This class will then determine what editor will be used to edit the directory templates attributes (keep in mind that these attributes will be used as default values for the actual resource instance). Directory template can be either generic or normal. Directory templates that are generic apply to all directory below them. This means, for example, that if you have defined a directory template for directories whose name are foo, and you then query the resource factory to build a resource for the directory foo/x/y, unless x or y have associated directory templates, the foo template will be used.

Editing existing resources

Jigsaw allows you to edit particular resources at any time. Each resource attributes may be changed, and the changes will persist across server invocations. To change some resource attributes, you need to launch an editor on the appropriate resource instance. This is done (if you use the dfeault configuration), by pointing your browser to: /Admin/Editor/extraPath, were extraPath is the path of the resource to be edited. For example, if you want to edit the Admin resource itself, then you can point your browser to /Admin/Editor/Admin.

Each resource class may define its own specific editor, although at this time, most of them uses the GenericResourceEditor (or some sub-classes of it). This provides the ability to edit all the editable attributes of the target resource, and in the case of container resources, it will allow you to also edit the list of children resources. For more informations on specific resource editors, see the reference guide to resources.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: Overview.html,v 1.17 1997/07/31 08:19:48 ylafon Exp $