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How to move things faster?

If you are interested in seeing these features become available, please let the W3C know. It is always useful to us to hear what users want. There are also a number of practical ways to get involved.

The CSS Working Group has a lot of work on its hands at the moment, and work on these modules has been going slowly. As mentioned before, there is even currently discussion going on around features in the Candidate Recommendations. Your assistance in developing these specifications will be appreciated.

You can help move the specifications forward by reviewing and commenting on the public drafts that are made available. If you have expertise in this area, you might also consider participating in the CSS or Internationalization Working Groups to help move the work along. A significant amount of specification work benefitted from the Japanese JIS 4051 specification, but there still are a number of areas where it would be useful to have local input about or confirmation of the requirements and expected behaviors of text in other scripts.

Even when we move these specifications to Recommendation stage, the battle is not yet won. User agent developers must implement these features so that we can use them, and we need the properties to be widely implemented on a range of user agents. Again, the voice of local users is important in making that happen. User agent developers are unlikely to implement these features if they hear no-one asking for them.

Finally, you can help by keeping informed about progress on these features and implementing them in your content when they become available.

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