ACTION-376: Write a draft of a blog on CSS levels, snapshots, etc. for /QA

Write a draft of a blog on CSS levels, snapshots, etc. for /QA

Chris Lilley
Due on:
February 5, 2013
Created on:
January 19, 2012
Associated Product:
Related emails:
  1. [minutes] Interaction telecon 2013-01-15 (from on 2013-01-15)

Related notes:

[plh]: Chris will send a draft to Lea, cc w3t-ia

21 Aug 2012, 14:14:16

Done, but not published as it now depends on ACTION-458

Chris Lilley, 15 Jan 2013, 15:19:14

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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