ACTION-161: Contact Chris Wilson about chairing HTML WG

Contact Chris Wilson about chairing HTML WG

Philippe Le Hégaret
Due on:
August 25, 2009
Created on:
May 26, 2009
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. Minutes of Interaction domain Weekly call 04 Aug 2009 (from on 2009-08-04)
  2. Minutes IA Domain Call 2009-05-26 (from on 2009-05-26)

Related notes:

[DanC]: MikeSmith> DanC: I think one active chair is sufficient. I have talked to Sam, will talk to PLH when he's back

28 Jul 2009, 14:59:41

[DanC]: CW to resign

4 Aug 2009, 14:19:08

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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