ACTION-132: Help Tim appoint somebody to the TAG who has credibility with browser builders

Help Tim appoint somebody to the TAG who has credibility with browser builders

Michael[tm] Smith
Due on:
March 17, 2009
Created on:
January 14, 2009
Related emails:
  1. Minutes, 7 April Interaction telcon (from on 2009-04-07)
  2. Interaction domain minutes 2009-02-17 (from on 2009-02-18)
  3. minutes Interaction Domain Team 20 Jan (from on 2009-01-27)

Related notes:

[DanC]: timbl is traveling

14 Jan 2009, 18:03:19

[DanC]: election materials, for reference:

14 Jan 2009, 18:13:23

Tim's Absence info:
* 2009-01-16 to 2009-01-22: to Brazil for speaking

Dan Connolly, 19 Jan 2009, 20:58:41

last Thu Tim said he'd join the email thread between me and Ian and Mike and Doug and PLH...

Dan Connolly, 26 Jan 2009, 17:29:00

no progress this week, and next week is Web Directions; eek!

Dan Connolly, 30 Jan 2009, 18:48:20

never mind the 1 Feb date; that's not feasible.
anybody who can get this done sooner is welcome to take it.

Dan Connolly, 30 Jan 2009, 18:51:01

Display change log.

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