
Alberti, R., (1991)
"Notes on the Internet Gopher Protocol" University of Minnesota, December 1991, <> . See also <gopher:// About Gopher/About Gopher>
Berners-Lee, T ., (1991)
"Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)" , CERN, December 1991, <>
"Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages" . David H. Crocker, RFC822,
Davis, F, et al., (1990)
"WAIS Interface Protocol: Prototype Functional Specification", Thinking Machines Corporation, April 23, 1990 <>
International Standards Organization, (1991)
Information and Documentation - Search and Retrieve Application Protocol Specification for open Systems Interconnection, ISO-10163
Huitema, C., (1991)
"Naming: strategies and techniques", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 23 (1991) 107-110.
Kahle, Brewster, (1991)
"Document Identifiers, or International Standard Book Numbers for the Electronic Age", <>
Kantor, B., and Lapsley, P., (1986)
"A proposed standard for the stream-based transmission of news", Internet RFC-977, February 1986. <>
Lynch, C., Coallition for Networked Information: (1991)
"Workshop on ID and Reference Structures for Networked Information", November 1991. See <wais://>
Mockapetris, P., (1987)
"Domain names + concepts and facilities", RFC-1034, USC-ISI, November 1987, <>
Neuman, B. Clifford, (1992)
"Prospero: A Tool for Organizing Internet Resources", Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy, Vol 1 No 2, Meckler Westport CT USA. See also <>
Postel, J. and Reynolds, J. (1985)
"File Transfer Protocol (FTP)", Internet RFC-959, October 1985. <>
Yeong, W., (1991a)
"Towards Networked Information Retrieval", Technical report 91-06-25-01, June 1991, Performance Systems International, Inc. <>
Yeong, W., (1991b),
"Representing Public Archives in the Directory", Internet Draft, November 1991, now expired.

Author's address

			   Tim Berners-Lee  
		Address:   World-Wide Web project  
			   1211 Geneva 23,
	    	Telephone: +41 (22)767 3755
		Fax:       +41 (22)767 7155 