
This represents a part of, fragment of, or a sub-function within, an object . Its syntax and semantics are defined by the application responsible for the object, or the specification of the content type of the object. The only definition here is of the allowed characters by which it may be represented in a URL.

Specific syntaxes for representing fragments in text documents by line and character range, or in garphics by coordinates, or in staructured documents using ladders, are be suitable for standardisation but not currently defined.

The fragment-id follows the URL of the whole object from which it is separated by a hash sign (#). If the fragment-id is void, the hash sign may be omitted: A void fragment-id with or without the hash sign means that the URL refers to the whole object.

While this hook is allowed for identification of fragments, the question of addressing of parts of objects, or of the grouping of objects and relationship between contined and containing objects, is not addressed by this document.

Fragment identifiers do NOT address the question of objects which are different versions of a "living" object, nor of expressing the relationships between different versions and the living object.