In-Reply-To: Mike Schwartz's message as of Mar 26, 16:33 From: (Peter Deutsch) Date: Wed, 1 Apr 92 00:29:39 GMT-0:02 In-Reply-To: Mike Schwartz's message as of Mar 26, 16:33 X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5.6 6/30/89) To: Subject: Last call - Computer Systems special issue on Internet services Cc: g'day, This is the last call for proposals for papers to be submitted to the upcoming special issue of Computer Systems. As I have explained, the general theme is "Internet Services", with some flexibility allowed in this area. I would like to have a final outline to send to the executive editor, Mike O'Dell, by the start of next week. What I need by then is a tentative title, a brief (one paragraph outline) and a commitment to deliver the paper within say six weeks to two months. This deadline is an artificial one in the sense that I don't yet have a definite date from Mike, but he does want to proceed apace and would appreciate getting the papers within a short time frame. If you would like to submit something but need a longer lead time, please let me know and I'll discuss it with Mike. I'm including below the announcement I sent out to this list before the IETF gathering for those who were not on the list at that time. Again, the topics below were offered only as suggestions. Please contact me if you have something else you'd like to submit. - peterd ---------------------------------------------------------------------- g'day, I have been asked by Mike O'Dell (Editor-in-Chief of "Computing Systems") to serve as guest editor for an upcoming issue on Internet information services. I'm now casting around the various players in this sandbox to solicit topics and then actual papers. In case you don't know it, Computer Systems is is a peer reviewed journal published by the Usenix Association, and submitted papers must pass through the usual review process. I have been asked to lay out the general themes to be covered and then solicite papers from specific players in this field to see if they'd would be willing to contribute. As one of the people we've come in contact with through our own work, I was hoping you'd want to contribute in some way. The journal has its standard set of reviewers but I've also been asked to look for reviewers with expertise in this area so if you're not interested in submitting a paper but would be willing to reviewing submissions please let me know. It's certain that the issue will happen, but the form it will take and the actual publication date are still open for discussion. As a first pass, I've made a brief list of what appears to be suitable subject areas. What I'm thinking of so far includes: - A general survey paper on the field, outlining the issues (resource discovery, maybe some, basic history, overview of some current approaches, related issues). - Specific progress report papers from the various projects in this area (Prospero, WWW, etc) detailing recent work, - Papers proposing architectures for new services (I am working on something like this myself, but I think that it might be inappropriate to offer one myself in this case. Still I know of others working on this kind of thing who could be hit up and I'd like to hear of others who might have something to offer). - I'd think it also appropriate to perhaps solicite papers dealing with related support issues such as traffic analysis, caching and flooding algorithms for distributed systems (useful for large distributed services such as archie, among others) and similar topics. As somebody on my mailing list you probably have interests in a couple of these areas at least. At this point we're just trying to firm up what the issue would cover, so feedback on the topic list or proposals for specific papers are most welcome. We still don't have a definite timetable for this. I'm circulating the word amongst the usual gang to garner interest and suggestions.I would hope to have things firmed up within the next couple of months. - peterd --