"Connection Refused"

The browser tries to connect to the daemon but gets this status in the trace.

This means that noone was listening on that port number. Check the port numbers match btween server and client. Make sure you specify the port number explicitly in the document address for www.

If you are running the daemon without the inet daemon, (with the -a option) then try running it from the terminal with -v as well. The trace for the server should say "socket, bind and listen all ok". If it does, and you still get "connection refused", then you must be talking to the wrong host (or, conceivably, different ethernet adapters on the same host)

If you are running with the inet daemon, then check both the services file (/etc/service) or database (yellow pages, netinfo) if your system uses it, and the /etc/inetd.conf file. Check the service name matches between these two.

Did you remember to kill -HUP the inet daemon when you changed the inted.conf file?

Try running the deamon from a shell window to see what happens better.

Tim BL