Electronic Book Technology
Mail:1, Richmond Square, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
No direct connection with IRIS , but the director has a Brown mail
address, and EBT use IRIS's full index search technology. Brown have
a user licence for DynaText as part of the deal. EBT have signed
up a distributor in France, and will have one in Germany shortly (March
People include:
- Louis Reynolds
- President. Email:lrr@iris.brown.edu. ex-Cadre (the
Teamwork people). See mail .
- Andy van Dam
- ex-CERN, Apollo. Professor at Brown, and consultant to
EBT. (More...)
- Pierre Schmidt
- Representative in Europe happens to be in Geneva.Tel:
692424 or Fax: 692425. Knows Andy from Apollo days.
I have some paper documents about DynaText. (-TBL)