================================================================================ Note 3.2 Run-Time problems 2 of 19 VXCERN::TIMBL "Tim Berners-Lee CERN/DD" 20 lines 1-OCT-1987 17:08 -< "Network Partnet exited" error >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When an RPC program running over DECNET under VAX/VMS exits with error "network partner exited", this is due to a problem on the remote node. It is therefore necessary to look at the log file for the remote task, not for the one which reported "network partner exited". If the remote task was started automatically, with a .COM file with the same name as the decnet object, then the log file will be NETSERVER.LOG. If, when invoking the remote task you quoted a username and password (like VXCRNA"user password'::"0=MYTASK") then the logfile will be in that user's default directory - otherwise it will be in directory [DECNET]. Look through the logfile to find the problem which that task had. At this point, the problem may be obvious. If not, see if the error reported is discussed in this scheme. If it is an RPC error, then youy might be able to shed more light on it by setting a trace on. To do this, include the statement $ define rpc_trace_flag sys$output: early on in the .COM file which is run automatically.