================================================================================ Note 3.3 Run-Time problems 3 of 19 VXCERN::TIMBL "Tim Berners-Lee CERN/DD" 36 lines 1-OCT-1987 17:18 -< "Bad RPC address" error >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get the RPC error "Bad or undefined address" (or, on some systems "Bad address") this may be simply because you had misspelled an RPC address. Alternatively, you might have forgotten top define it at all, defined it in the wrong file, etc.: you would get the same error. This is because, if the RPC system tries to translate a logical name (such as a package name) into an RPC address and fails, then it will try to use the logical name as an RPC address, getting a syntax error. The first thing, then is to check that on the client side, a logical name (or symbol, under MoniCa) is set up saying where to find the server: $ define mypackage "0@vxabc::""0=MYTASK"".decnet" for example, and that on a server, that you have defined where it should find the client: $ define rpc_client_name sys$net.decnet for example. (If you don't understand this, either youy are not using DECNET or you haven't read the manual). If it look alright to you (and you have read the manual), then put trace on in the offending process. This means, give the "tron" command, or (if it's not defined), say $ define rpc_trace_flag sys$output: The RPC system will tell you what it is that it is trying to translate. If it succeedes, it will try to translate it again, so that last thing it tries to translate is the thing it couldn't translate, and therefore the thing it tried to parse. You should see the syntax error it complained about in that string.