Some tags

These are informal and incomplet notes on Mark's argo draft which was available at the meeting. (UDI, Mark?)

Starting applications

telnet(host, socket, script) xexec(host, xapp) dip(host, token, goto, find) z3850(host,....)

Retrieving objects

(preface these with type^ to indicate what one will get back) ftp(host, user, path,file, type) nfs(host, filesys, file) afs(...) include(file) ... interpreted by the server

Document structure

Document Header

title icon bitmap info comments about the doc mail maintainer of document expires modified body

Body components

any application link as above, and: label text plain ascii page page break pick A menu item which is selectable (button) menu Group of picks graphic Binary protable bitmap file (PBM) inline bitmap Not necessarily in-line overlay(bitmap, region) Overlay a graphic with buttons region area input ... Input fields (many more tags) input-field max-size tag The tag to be used with the input value in the result form default-text hidden verify mandatory choice radio buttons default multiple non-exclusinve switches


(Note: protocol is connection-oriented. The eot tag indicates a line turnaround. In command: grok Send client profile grok-code Rfere to previous profile limit get actions-code return(tags) which bits to return submit help quit In response: status message result

Provider Of Information (POI)

get-token new-token replace-token lock-token unlock-token