/* * tkText.c -- * * This module provides a big chunk of the implementation of * multi-line editable text widgets for Tk. Among other things, * it provides the Tcl command interfaces to text widgets and * the display code. The B-tree representation of text is * implemented elsewhere. * * Copyright 1992 Regents of the University of California. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies. The University of California * makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without * express or implied warranty. */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /user6/ouster/wish/RCS/tkText.c,v 1.23 92/08/14 14:45:44 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)"; #endif #include "default.h" #include "tkConfig.h" #include "tk.h" #include "tkText.h" /* * Information used to parse text configuration options: */ static Tk_ConfigSpec configSpecs[] = { {TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", DEF_TEXT_BG_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, border), TK_CONFIG_COLOR_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-background", "background", "Background", DEF_TEXT_BG_MONO, Tk_Offset(TkText, border), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bd", "borderWidth", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, 0}, {TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-bg", "background", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, 0}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-borderwidth", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_TEXT_BORDER_WIDTH, Tk_Offset(TkText, borderWidth), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_ACTIVE_CURSOR, "-cursor", "cursor", "Cursor", DEF_TEXT_CURSOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, cursor), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-exportselection", "exportSelection", "ExportSelection", DEF_TEXT_EXPORT_SELECTION, Tk_Offset(TkText, exportSelection), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_SYNONYM, "-fg", "foreground", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, 0}, {TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", "font", "Font", DEF_TEXT_FONT, Tk_Offset(TkText, fontPtr), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-foreground", "foreground", "Foreground", DEF_TEXT_FG, Tk_Offset(TkText, fgColor), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-height", "height", "Height", DEF_TEXT_HEIGHT, Tk_Offset(TkText, height), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-insertbackground", "insertBackground", "Foreground", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_BG, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertBorder), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-insertborderwidth", "insertBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_BD_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertBorderWidth), TK_CONFIG_COLOR_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-insertborderwidth", "insertBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_BD_MONO, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertBorderWidth), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-insertofftime", "insertOffTime", "OffTime", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_OFF_TIME, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertOffTime), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-insertontime", "insertOnTime", "OnTime", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_ON_TIME, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertOnTime), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-insertwidth", "insertWidth", "InsertWidth", DEF_TEXT_INSERT_WIDTH, Tk_Offset(TkText, insertWidth), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-padx", "padX", "Pad", DEF_TEXT_PADX, Tk_Offset(TkText, padX), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-pady", "padY", "Pad", DEF_TEXT_PADY, Tk_Offset(TkText, padY), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_RELIEF, "-relief", "relief", "Relief", DEF_TEXT_RELIEF, Tk_Offset(TkText, relief), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground", DEF_ENTRY_SELECT_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, selBorder), TK_CONFIG_COLOR_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_BORDER, "-selectbackground", "selectBackground", "Foreground", DEF_TEXT_SELECT_MONO, Tk_Offset(TkText, selBorder), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-selectborderwidth", "selectBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_TEXT_SELECT_BD_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, selBorderWidth), TK_CONFIG_COLOR_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_PIXELS, "-selectborderwidth", "selectBorderWidth", "BorderWidth", DEF_TEXT_SELECT_BD_MONO, Tk_Offset(TkText, selBorderWidth), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-selectforeground", "selectForeground", "Background", DEF_TEXT_SELECT_FG_COLOR, Tk_Offset(TkText, selFgColorPtr), TK_CONFIG_COLOR_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_COLOR, "-selectforeground", "selectForeground", "Background", DEF_TEXT_SELECT_FG_MONO, Tk_Offset(TkText, selFgColorPtr), TK_CONFIG_MONO_ONLY}, {TK_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, "-setgrid", "setGrid", "SetGrid", DEF_TEXT_SET_GRID, Tk_Offset(TkText, setGrid), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_UID, "-state", "state", "State", DEF_TEXT_STATE, Tk_Offset(TkText, state), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_INT, "-width", "width", "Width", DEF_TEXT_WIDTH, Tk_Offset(TkText, width), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_UID, "-wrap", "wrap", "Wrap", DEF_TEXT_WRAP, Tk_Offset(TkText, wrapMode), 0}, {TK_CONFIG_STRING, "-yscrollcommand", "yScrollCommand", "ScrollCommand", DEF_TEXT_YSCROLL_COMMAND, Tk_Offset(TkText, yScrollCmd), TK_CONFIG_NULL_OK}, {TK_CONFIG_END, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, 0, 0} }; /* * The following definition specifies the maximum number of characters * needed in a string to hold a position specifier. */ #define POS_CHARS 30 /* * Tk_Uid's used to represent text states: */ Tk_Uid tkTextCharUid = NULL; Tk_Uid tkTextDisabledUid = NULL; Tk_Uid tkTextNoneUid = NULL; Tk_Uid tkTextNormalUid = NULL; Tk_Uid tkTextWordUid = NULL; /* * Forward declarations for procedures defined later in this file: */ static int ConfigureText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp, TkText *textPtr, int argc, char **argv, int flags)); static void DeleteChars _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr, int line1, int ch1, int line2, int ch2)); static void DestroyText _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData)); static void InsertChars _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr, int line, int ch, char *string)); static void TextBlinkProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData)); static void TextEventProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, XEvent *eventPtr)); static int TextFetchSelection _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int offset, char *buffer, int maxBytes)); static void TextFocusProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, int gotFocus)); static int TextMarkCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv)); static int TextScanCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((TkText *textPtr, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv)); static int TextWidgetCmd _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv)); /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tk_TextCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "text" Tcl command. * See the user documentation for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Tk_TextCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; /* Main window associated with * interpreter. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. */ { Tk_Window tkwin = (Tk_Window) clientData; Tk_Window new; register TkText *textPtr; if (argc < 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " pathName ?options?\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * Perform once-only initialization: */ if (tkTextNormalUid == NULL) { tkTextCharUid = Tk_GetUid("char"); tkTextDisabledUid = Tk_GetUid("disabled"); tkTextNoneUid = Tk_GetUid("none"); tkTextNormalUid = Tk_GetUid("normal"); tkTextWordUid = Tk_GetUid("word"); } /* * Create the window. */ new = Tk_CreateWindowFromPath(interp, tkwin, argv[1], (char *) NULL); if (new == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } textPtr = (TkText *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkText)); textPtr->tkwin = new; textPtr->interp = interp; textPtr->tree = TkBTreeCreate(); Tcl_InitHashTable(&textPtr->tagTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS); textPtr->numTags = 0; Tcl_InitHashTable(&textPtr->markTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS); textPtr->state = tkTextNormalUid; textPtr->border = NULL; textPtr->cursor = None; textPtr->fgColor = NULL; textPtr->fontPtr = NULL; textPtr->prevWidth = Tk_Width(new); textPtr->prevHeight = Tk_Height(new); textPtr->topLinePtr = NULL; TkTextCreateDInfo(textPtr); TkTextSetView(textPtr, 0, 0); textPtr->selBorder = NULL; textPtr->selFgColorPtr = NULL; textPtr->exportSelection = 1; textPtr->selOffset = -1; textPtr->insertAnnotPtr = NULL; textPtr->insertBorder = NULL; textPtr->insertBlinkHandler = (Tk_TimerToken) NULL; textPtr->bindingTable = NULL; textPtr->pickEvent.type = LeaveNotify; textPtr->yScrollCmd = NULL; textPtr->scanMarkLine = 0; textPtr->scanMarkY = 0; textPtr->flags = 0; /* * Create the "sel" tag and the "current" and "insert" marks. */ textPtr->selTagPtr = TkTextCreateTag(textPtr, "sel"); textPtr->selTagPtr->relief = TK_RELIEF_RAISED; textPtr->currentAnnotPtr = TkTextSetMark(textPtr, "current", 0, 0); textPtr->insertAnnotPtr = TkTextSetMark(textPtr, "insert", 0, 0); Tk_SetClass(new, "Text"); Tk_CreateEventHandler(textPtr->tkwin, ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask, TextEventProc, (ClientData) textPtr); Tk_CreateEventHandler(textPtr->tkwin, KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask |ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|EnterWindowMask |LeaveWindowMask|PointerMotionMask, TkTextBindProc, (ClientData) textPtr); Tk_CreateSelHandler(textPtr->tkwin, XA_STRING, TextFetchSelection, (ClientData) textPtr, XA_STRING); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, Tk_PathName(textPtr->tkwin), TextWidgetCmd, (ClientData) textPtr, (void (*)()) NULL); if (ConfigureText(interp, textPtr, argc-2, argv+2, 0) != TCL_OK) { Tk_DestroyWindow(textPtr->tkwin); return TCL_ERROR; } Tk_CreateFocusHandler(textPtr->tkwin, TextFocusProc, (ClientData) textPtr); interp->result = Tk_PathName(textPtr->tkwin); return TCL_OK; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextWidgetCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the Tcl command * that corresponds to a text widget. See the user * documentation for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TextWidgetCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; /* Information about text widget. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; int result = TCL_OK; int length; char c; int line1, line2, ch1, ch2; if (argc < 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " option ?arg arg ...?\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } Tk_Preserve((ClientData) textPtr); c = argv[1][0]; length = strlen(argv[1]); if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[1], "compare", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { int less, equal, greater, value; char *p; if (argc != 5) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " compare index1 op index2\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if ((TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) || (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[4], &line2, &ch2) != TCL_OK)) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } less = equal = greater = 0; if (line1 < line2) { less = 1; } else if (line1 > line2) { greater = 1; } else { if (ch1 < ch2) { less = 1; } else if (ch1 > ch2) { greater = 1; } else { equal = 1; } } p = argv[3]; if (p[0] == '<') { value = less; if ((p[1] == '=') && (p[2] == 0)) { value = less || equal; } else if (p[1] != 0) { compareError: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad comparison operator \"", argv[3], "\": must be <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } } else if (p[0] == '>') { value = greater; if ((p[1] == '=') && (p[2] == 0)) { value = greater || equal; } else if (p[1] != 0) { goto compareError; } } else if ((p[0] == '=') && (p[1] == '=') && (p[2] == 0)) { value = equal; } else if ((p[0] == '!') && (p[1] == '=') && (p[2] == 0)) { value = !equal; } else { goto compareError; } interp->result = (value) ? "1" : "0"; } else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[1], "configure", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { if (argc == 2) { result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, textPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, (char *) textPtr, (char *) NULL, 0); } else if (argc == 3) { result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, textPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, (char *) textPtr, argv[2], 0); } else { result = ConfigureText(interp, textPtr, argc-2, argv+2, TK_CONFIG_ARGV_ONLY); } } else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(argv[1], "debug", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { if (argc > 3) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " debug ?on|off?\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (argc == 2) { interp->result = (tkBTreeDebug) ? "on" : "off"; } else { if (Tcl_GetBoolean(interp, argv[2], &tkBTreeDebug) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } } } else if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(argv[1], "delete", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " delete index1 ?index2?\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (argc == 3) { line2 = line1; ch2 = ch1+1; } else if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[3], &line2, &ch2) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (textPtr->state == tkTextNormalUid) { DeleteChars(textPtr, line1, ch1, line2, ch2); } } else if ((c == 'g') && (strncmp(argv[1], "get", length) == 0)) { register TkTextLine *linePtr; if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " get index1 ?index2?\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (argc == 3) { line2 = line1; ch2 = ch1+1; } else if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[3], &line2, &ch2) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (line1 < 0) { line1 = 0; ch1 = 0; } for (linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line1); (linePtr != NULL) && (line1 <= line2); linePtr = TkBTreeNextLine(linePtr), line1++, ch1 = 0) { int savedChar, last; if (line1 == line2) { last = ch2; if (last > linePtr->numBytes) { last = linePtr->numBytes; } } else { last = linePtr->numBytes; } if (ch1 >= last) { continue; } savedChar = linePtr->bytes[last]; linePtr->bytes[last] = 0; Tcl_AppendResult(interp, linePtr->bytes+ch1, (char *) NULL); linePtr->bytes[last] = savedChar; } } else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(argv[1], "index", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { if (argc != 3) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " index index\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } TkTextPrintIndex(line1, ch1, interp->result); } else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(argv[1], "insert", length) == 0) && (length >= 3)) { if (argc != 4) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " insert index chars ?chars ...?\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } if (textPtr->state == tkTextNormalUid) { InsertChars(textPtr, line1, ch1, argv[3]); } } else if ((c == 'm') && (strncmp(argv[1], "mark", length) == 0)) { result = TextMarkCmd(textPtr, interp, argc, argv); } else if ((c == 's') && (strcmp(argv[1], "scan") == 0)) { result = TextScanCmd(textPtr, interp, argc, argv); } else if ((c == 't') && (strcmp(argv[1], "tag") == 0)) { result = TkTextTagCmd(textPtr, interp, argc, argv); } else if ((c == 'y') && (strncmp(argv[1], "yview", length) == 0)) { int numLines, pickPlace; if (argc < 3) { yviewSyntax: Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " yview ?-pickplace? lineNum|index\"", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } pickPlace = 0; if (argv[2][0] == '-') { int switchLength; switchLength = strlen(argv[2]); if ((switchLength >= 2) && (strncmp(argv[2], "-pickplace", switchLength) == 0)) { pickPlace = 1; } } if ((pickPlace+3) != argc) { goto yviewSyntax; } if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2+pickPlace], &line1) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_ResetResult(interp); if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[2+pickPlace], &line1, &ch1) != TCL_OK) { result = TCL_ERROR; goto done; } } numLines = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree); if (line1 >= numLines) { line1 = numLines-1; } if (line1 < 0) { line1 = 0; } TkTextSetView(textPtr, line1, pickPlace); } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad option \"", argv[1], "\": must be compare, configure, debug, delete, get, ", "index, insert, mark, scan, tag, or yview", (char *) NULL); result = TCL_ERROR; } done: Tk_Release((ClientData) textPtr); return result; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DestroyText -- * * This procedure is invoked by Tk_EventuallyFree or Tk_Release * to clean up the internal structure of a text at a safe time * (when no-one is using it anymore). * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * Everything associated with the text is freed up. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DestroyText(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Info about text widget. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; Tcl_HashSearch search; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; TkTextTag *tagPtr; TkBTreeDestroy(textPtr->tree); for (hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&textPtr->tagTable, &search); hPtr != NULL; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) { tagPtr = (TkTextTag *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); TkTextFreeTag(tagPtr); } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&textPtr->tagTable); for (hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&textPtr->markTable, &search); hPtr != NULL; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) { ckfree((char *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr)); } Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&textPtr->markTable); if (textPtr->border != NULL) { Tk_Free3DBorder(textPtr->border); } if (textPtr->cursor != None) { Tk_FreeCursor(textPtr->cursor); } if (textPtr->fgColor != NULL) { Tk_FreeColor(textPtr->fgColor); } if (textPtr->fontPtr != NULL) { Tk_FreeFontStruct(textPtr->fontPtr); } TkTextFreeDInfo(textPtr); /* * NOTE: do NOT free up selBorder or selFgColorPtr: they are * duplicates of information in the "sel" tag, which was freed * up as part of deleting the tags above. */ if (textPtr->insertBorder != NULL) { Tk_Free3DBorder(textPtr->insertBorder); } if (textPtr->insertBlinkHandler != NULL) { Tk_DeleteTimerHandler(textPtr->insertBlinkHandler); } if (textPtr->bindingTable != NULL) { Tk_DeleteBindingTable(textPtr->bindingTable); } if (textPtr->yScrollCmd != NULL) { ckfree(textPtr->yScrollCmd); } ckfree((char *) textPtr); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ConfigureText -- * * This procedure is called to process an argv/argc list, plus * the Tk option database, in order to configure (or * reconfigure) a text widget. * * Results: * The return value is a standard Tcl result. If TCL_ERROR is * returned, then interp->result contains an error message. * * Side effects: * Configuration information, such as text string, colors, font, * etc. get set for textPtr; old resources get freed, if there * were any. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ConfigureText(interp, textPtr, argc, argv, flags) Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Used for error reporting. */ register TkText *textPtr; /* Information about widget; may or may * not already have values for some fields. */ int argc; /* Number of valid entries in argv. */ char **argv; /* Arguments. */ int flags; /* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */ { int oldExport = textPtr->exportSelection; int charWidth, charHeight; if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, textPtr->tkwin, configSpecs, argc, argv, (char *) textPtr, flags) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* * A few other options also need special processing, such as parsing * the geometry and setting the background from a 3-D border. */ if ((textPtr->state != tkTextNormalUid) && (textPtr->state != tkTextDisabledUid)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad state value \"", textPtr->state, "\": must be normal or disabled", (char *) NULL); textPtr->state = tkTextNormalUid; return TCL_ERROR; } if ((textPtr->wrapMode != tkTextCharUid) && (textPtr->wrapMode != tkTextNoneUid) && (textPtr->wrapMode != tkTextWordUid)) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad wrap mode \"", textPtr->state, "\": must be char, none, or word", (char *) NULL); textPtr->wrapMode = tkTextCharUid; return TCL_ERROR; } Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder(textPtr->tkwin, textPtr->border); Tk_SetInternalBorder(textPtr->tkwin, textPtr->borderWidth); Tk_GeometryRequest(textPtr->tkwin, 200, 100); /* * Make sure that configuration options are properly mirrored * between the widget record and the "sel" tags. NOTE: we don't * have to free up information during the mirroring; old * information was freed when it was replaced in the widget * record. */ textPtr->selTagPtr->border = textPtr->selBorder; textPtr->selTagPtr->borderWidth = textPtr->selBorderWidth; textPtr->selTagPtr->fgColor = textPtr->selFgColorPtr; /* * Claim the selection if we've suddenly started exporting it and there * are tagged characters. */ if (textPtr->exportSelection && (!oldExport)) { TkTextSearch search; TkBTreeStartSearch(textPtr->tree, 0, 0, TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree), 0, textPtr->selTagPtr, &search); if (TkBTreeNextTag(&search)) { Tk_OwnSelection(textPtr->tkwin, TkTextLostSelection, (ClientData) textPtr); textPtr->flags |= GOT_SELECTION; } } /* * Register the desired geometry for the window, and arrange for * the window to be redisplayed. */ if (textPtr->width <= 0) { textPtr->width = 1; } if (textPtr->height <= 0) { textPtr->height = 1; } charWidth = XTextWidth(textPtr->fontPtr, "0", 1); charHeight = (textPtr->fontPtr->ascent + textPtr->fontPtr->descent); Tk_GeometryRequest(textPtr->tkwin, textPtr->width * charWidth + 2*textPtr->borderWidth + 2*textPtr->padX, textPtr->height * charHeight + 2*textPtr->borderWidth + 2*textPtr->padX); Tk_SetInternalBorder(textPtr->tkwin, textPtr->borderWidth); if (textPtr->setGrid) { Tk_SetGrid(textPtr->tkwin, textPtr->width, textPtr->height, charWidth, charHeight); } TkTextRelayoutWindow(textPtr); return TCL_OK; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextEventProc -- * * This procedure is invoked by the Tk dispatcher on * structure changes to a text. For texts with 3D * borders, this procedure is also invoked for exposures. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * When the window gets deleted, internal structures get * cleaned up. When it gets exposed, it is redisplayed. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void TextEventProc(clientData, eventPtr) ClientData clientData; /* Information about window. */ register XEvent *eventPtr; /* Information about event. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; if (eventPtr->type == Expose) { TkTextRedrawRegion(textPtr, eventPtr->xexpose.x, eventPtr->xexpose.y, eventPtr->xexpose.width, eventPtr->xexpose.height); } else if (eventPtr->type == ConfigureNotify) { if ((textPtr->prevWidth != Tk_Width(textPtr->tkwin)) || (textPtr->prevHeight != Tk_Height(textPtr->tkwin))) { TkTextRelayoutWindow(textPtr); } } else if (eventPtr->type == DestroyNotify) { Tcl_DeleteCommand(textPtr->interp, Tk_PathName(textPtr->tkwin)); textPtr->tkwin = NULL; Tk_EventuallyFree((ClientData) textPtr, DestroyText); } } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * InsertChars -- * * This procedure implements most of the functionality of the * "insert" widget command. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The characters in "string" get added to the text just before * the character indicated by "line" and "ch". * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void InsertChars(textPtr, line, ch, string) TkText *textPtr; /* Overall information about text widget. */ int line, ch; /* Identifies character just before which * new information is to be inserted. */ char *string; /* Null-terminated string containing new * information to add to text. */ { register TkTextLine *linePtr; /* * Locate the line where the insertion will occur. */ linePtr = TkTextRoundIndex(textPtr, &line, &ch); /* * Notify the display module that lines are about to change, then do * the insertion. */ TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, line, line); TkBTreeInsertChars(textPtr->tree, linePtr, ch, string); /* * If the line containing the insertion point was textPtr->topLinePtr, * we must reset this pointer since the line structure was re-allocated. */ if (linePtr == textPtr->topLinePtr) { TkTextSetView(textPtr, line, 0); } /* * Invalidate any selection retrievals in progress. */ textPtr->selOffset = -1; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DeleteChars -- * * This procedure implements most of the functionality of the * "delete" widget command. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void DeleteChars(textPtr, line1, ch1, line2, ch2) TkText *textPtr; /* Overall information about text widget. */ int line1, ch1; /* Position of first character to delete. */ int line2, ch2; /* Position of character just after last * one to delete. */ { register TkTextLine *line1Ptr, *line2Ptr; int numLines, topLine; /* * The loop below is needed because a LeaveNotify event may be * generated on the current charcter if it's about to be deleted. * If this happens, then the bindings that trigger could modify * the text, invalidating the range information computed here. * So, go back and recompute all the range information after * synthesizing a leave event. */ while (1) { /* * Locate the starting and ending lines for the deletion and adjust * the endpoints if necessary to ensure that they are within valid * ranges. Adjust the deletion range if necessary to ensure that the * text (and each invidiual line) always ends in a newline. */ numLines = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree); line1Ptr = TkTextRoundIndex(textPtr, &line1, &ch1); if (line2 < 0) { return; } else if (line2 >= numLines) { line2 = numLines-1; line2Ptr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line2); ch2 = line2Ptr->numBytes; } else { line2Ptr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line2); if (ch2 < 0) { ch2 = 0; } } /* * If the deletion range ends after the last character of a line, * do one of three things: * * (a) if line2Ptr isn't the last line of the text, just adjust the * ending point to be just before the 0th character of the next * line. * (b) if ch1 is at the beginning of a line, then adjust line1Ptr and * ch1 to point just after the last character of the previous line. * (c) otherwise, adjust ch2 so the final newline isn't deleted. */ if (ch2 >= line2Ptr->numBytes) { if (line2 < (numLines-1)) { line2++; line2Ptr = TkBTreeNextLine(line2Ptr); ch2 = 0; } else { ch2 = line2Ptr->numBytes-1; if ((ch1 == 0) && (line1 > 0)) { line1--; line1Ptr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line1); ch1 = line1Ptr->numBytes; ch2 = line2Ptr->numBytes; } else { ch2 = line2Ptr->numBytes-1; } } } if ((line1 > line2) || ((line1 == line2) && (ch1 >= ch2))) { return; } /* * If the current character is within the range being deleted, * unpick it and synthesize a leave event for its tags, then * go back and recompute the range ends. */ if (!(textPtr->flags & IN_CURRENT)) { break; } if ((textPtr->currentAnnotPtr->linePtr == line1Ptr) && (textPtr->currentAnnotPtr->ch < ch1)) { break; } if ((textPtr->currentAnnotPtr->linePtr == line2Ptr) && (textPtr->currentAnnotPtr->ch >= ch2)) { break; } if (line2 > (line1+1)) { int currentLine; currentLine = TkBTreeLineIndex(textPtr->currentAnnotPtr->linePtr); if ((currentLine <= line1) || (currentLine >= line2)) { break; } } TkTextUnpickCurrent(textPtr); } /* * Tell the display what's about to happen so it can discard * obsolete display information, then do the deletion. Also, * check to see if textPtr->topLinePtr is in the range of * characters deleted. If so, call the display module to reset * it after doing the deletion. */ topLine = TkBTreeLineIndex(textPtr->topLinePtr); TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, line1, line2); TkBTreeDeleteChars(textPtr->tree, line1Ptr, ch1, line2Ptr, ch2); if ((topLine >= line1) && (topLine <= line2)) { numLines = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree); TkTextSetView(textPtr, (line1 > (numLines-1)) ? (numLines-1) : line1, 0); } /* * Invalidate any selection retrievals in progress. */ textPtr->selOffset = -1; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextFetchSelection -- * * This procedure is called back by Tk when the selection is * requested by someone. It returns part or all of the selection * in a buffer provided by the caller. * * Results: * The return value is the number of non-NULL bytes stored * at buffer. Buffer is filled (or partially filled) with a * NULL-terminated string containing part or all of the selection, * as given by offset and maxBytes. * * Side effects: * None. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TextFetchSelection(clientData, offset, buffer, maxBytes) ClientData clientData; /* Information about text widget. */ int offset; /* Offset within selection of first * character to be returned. */ char *buffer; /* Location in which to place * selection. */ int maxBytes; /* Maximum number of bytes to place * at buffer, not including terminating * NULL character. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; register TkTextLine *linePtr; int count, chunkSize; TkTextSearch search; if (!textPtr->exportSelection) { return -1; } /* * Find the beginning of the next range of selected text. Note: if * the selection is being retrieved in multiple pieces (offset != 0) * and some modification has been made to the text that affects the * selection (textPtr->selOffset != offset) then reject the selection * request (make 'em start over again). */ if (offset == 0) { textPtr->selLine = 0; textPtr->selCh = 0; textPtr->selOffset = 0; } else if (textPtr->selOffset != offset) { return 0; } TkBTreeStartSearch(textPtr->tree, textPtr->selLine, textPtr->selCh+1, TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree), 0, textPtr->selTagPtr, &search); if (!TkBTreeCharTagged(search.linePtr, textPtr->selCh, textPtr->selTagPtr)) { if (!TkBTreeNextTag(&search)) { if (offset == 0) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } textPtr->selLine = search.line1; textPtr->selCh = search.ch1; } /* * Each iteration through the outer loop below scans one selected range. * Each iteration through the nested loop scans one line in the * selected range. */ count = 0; while (1) { linePtr = search.linePtr; /* * Find the end of the current range of selected text. */ if (!TkBTreeNextTag(&search)) { panic("TextFetchSelection couldn't find end of range"); } /* * Copy information from text lines into the buffer until * either we run out of space in the buffer or we get to * the end of this range of text. */ while (1) { chunkSize = ((linePtr == search.linePtr) ? search.ch1 : linePtr->numBytes) - textPtr->selCh; if (chunkSize > maxBytes) { chunkSize = maxBytes; } memcpy((VOID *) buffer, (VOID *) (linePtr->bytes + textPtr->selCh), chunkSize); buffer += chunkSize; maxBytes -= chunkSize; count += chunkSize; textPtr->selOffset += chunkSize; if (maxBytes == 0) { textPtr->selCh += chunkSize; goto done; } if (linePtr == search.linePtr) { break; } textPtr->selCh = 0; textPtr->selLine++; linePtr = TkBTreeNextLine(linePtr); } /* * Find the beginning of the next range of selected text. */ if (!TkBTreeNextTag(&search)) { break; } textPtr->selLine = search.line1; textPtr->selCh = search.ch1; } done: *buffer = 0; return count; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkTextLostSelection -- * * This procedure is called back by Tk when the selection is * grabbed away from a text widget. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The "sel" tag is cleared from the window. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void TkTextLostSelection(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Information about text widget. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; if (!textPtr->exportSelection) { return; } /* * Just remove the "sel" tag from everything in the widget. */ TkTextRedrawTag(textPtr, 0, 0, TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree), 0, textPtr->selTagPtr, 1); TkBTreeTag(textPtr->tree, 0, 0, TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree), 0, textPtr->selTagPtr, 0); textPtr->flags &= ~GOT_SELECTION; } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextMarkCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "mark" options of * the widget command for text widgets. See the user documentation * for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TextMarkCmd(textPtr, interp, argc, argv) register TkText *textPtr; /* Information about text widget. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. Someone else has already * parsed this command enough to know that * argv[1] is "mark". */ { int length, line, ch, i; char c; Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; TkAnnotation *markPtr; Tcl_HashSearch search; if (argc < 3) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " mark option ?arg arg ...?\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } c = argv[2][0]; length = strlen(argv[2]); if ((c == 'n') && (strncmp(argv[2], "names", length) == 0)) { if (argc != 3) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " mark names\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } for (hPtr = Tcl_FirstHashEntry(&textPtr->markTable, &search); hPtr != NULL; hPtr = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) { Tcl_AppendElement(interp, Tcl_GetHashKey(&textPtr->markTable, hPtr), 0); } } else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(argv[2], "set", length) == 0)) { if (argc != 5) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " mark set markName index\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (TkTextGetIndex(interp, textPtr, argv[4], &line, &ch) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } TkTextSetMark(textPtr, argv[3], line, ch); } else if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(argv[2], "unset", length) == 0)) { if (argc < 4) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " mark unset markName ?markName ...?\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { hPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&textPtr->markTable, argv[i]); if (hPtr != NULL) { markPtr = (TkAnnotation *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); if (markPtr == textPtr->insertAnnotPtr) { interp->result = "can't delete \"insert\" mark"; return TCL_ERROR; } if (markPtr == textPtr->currentAnnotPtr) { interp->result = "can't delete \"current\" mark"; return TCL_ERROR; } TkBTreeRemoveAnnotation(markPtr); Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(hPtr); ckfree((char *) markPtr); } } } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad mark option \"", argv[2], "\": must be names, set, or unset", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TkTextSetMark -- * * Set a mark to a particular position, creating a new mark if * one doesn't already exist. * * Results: * The return value is a pointer to the mark that was just set. * * Side effects: * A new mark is created, or an existing mark is moved. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TkAnnotation * TkTextSetMark(textPtr, name, line, ch) TkText *textPtr; /* Text widget in which to create mark. */ char *name; /* Name of mark to set. */ int line; /* Index of line at which to place mark. */ int ch; /* Index of character within line at which * to place mark. */ { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; TkAnnotation *markPtr; int new; hPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&textPtr->markTable, name, &new); markPtr = (TkAnnotation *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hPtr); if (!new) { /* * If this is the insertion point that's being moved, be sure * to force a display update at the old position. */ if (markPtr == textPtr->insertAnnotPtr) { int oldLine; oldLine = TkBTreeLineIndex(markPtr->linePtr); TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, oldLine, oldLine); } TkBTreeRemoveAnnotation(markPtr); } else { markPtr = (TkAnnotation *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkAnnotation)); markPtr->type = TK_ANNOT_MARK; markPtr->info.hPtr = hPtr; Tcl_SetHashValue(hPtr, markPtr); } if (line < 0) { line = 0; markPtr->ch = 0; } else if (ch < 0) { markPtr->ch = 0; } else { markPtr->ch = ch; } markPtr->linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line); if (markPtr->linePtr == NULL) { line = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree)-1; markPtr->linePtr = TkBTreeFindLine(textPtr->tree, line); markPtr->ch = markPtr->linePtr->numBytes-1; } else { if (markPtr->ch >= markPtr->linePtr->numBytes) { TkTextLine *nextLinePtr; nextLinePtr = TkBTreeNextLine(markPtr->linePtr); if (nextLinePtr == NULL) { markPtr->ch = markPtr->linePtr->numBytes-1; } else { markPtr->linePtr = nextLinePtr; line++; markPtr->ch = 0; } } } TkBTreeAddAnnotation(markPtr); /* * If the mark is the insertion cursor, then update the screen at the * mark's new location. */ if (markPtr == textPtr->insertAnnotPtr) { TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, line, line); } return markPtr; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextBlinkProc -- * * This procedure is called as a timer handler to blink the * insertion cursor off and on. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The cursor gets turned on or off, redisplay gets invoked, * and this procedure reschedules itself. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void TextBlinkProc(clientData) ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to record describing text. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; int lineNum; if (!(textPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) || (textPtr->insertOffTime == 0)) { return; } if (textPtr->flags & INSERT_ON) { textPtr->flags &= ~INSERT_ON; textPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tk_CreateTimerHandler( textPtr->insertOffTime, TextBlinkProc, (ClientData) textPtr); } else { textPtr->flags |= INSERT_ON; textPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tk_CreateTimerHandler( textPtr->insertOnTime, TextBlinkProc, (ClientData) textPtr); } lineNum = TkBTreeLineIndex(textPtr->insertAnnotPtr->linePtr); TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, lineNum, lineNum); } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextFocusProc -- * * This procedure is called whenever the entry gets or loses the * input focus. It's also called whenever the window is reconfigured * while it has the focus. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * The cursor gets turned on or off. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void TextFocusProc(clientData, gotFocus) ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to structure describing text. */ int gotFocus; /* 1 means window is getting focus, 0 means * it's losing it. */ { register TkText *textPtr = (TkText *) clientData; int lineNum; Tk_DeleteTimerHandler(textPtr->insertBlinkHandler); if (gotFocus) { textPtr->flags |= GOT_FOCUS | INSERT_ON; if (textPtr->insertOffTime != 0) { textPtr->insertBlinkHandler = Tk_CreateTimerHandler( textPtr->insertOnTime, TextBlinkProc, (ClientData) textPtr); } } else { textPtr->flags &= ~(GOT_FOCUS | INSERT_ON); textPtr->insertBlinkHandler = (Tk_TimerToken) NULL; } lineNum = TkBTreeLineIndex(textPtr->insertAnnotPtr->linePtr); TkTextLinesChanged(textPtr, lineNum, lineNum); } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * TextScanCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "scan" options of * the widget command for text widgets. See the user documentation * for details on what it does. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TextScanCmd(textPtr, interp, argc, argv) register TkText *textPtr; /* Information about text widget. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. Someone else has already * parsed this command enough to know that * argv[1] is "tag". */ { int length, y, line, lastLine; char c; if (argc != 4) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " scan mark|dragto y\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[3], &y) != TCL_OK) { return TCL_ERROR; } c = argv[2][0]; length = strlen(argv[2]); if ((c == 'd') && (strncmp(argv[2], "dragto", length) == 0)) { /* * Amplify the difference between the current y position and the * mark position to compute how many lines up or down the view * should shift, then update the mark position to correspond to * the new view. If we run off the top or bottom of the text, * reset the mark point so that the current position continues * to correspond to the edge of the window. This means that the * picture will start dragging as soon as the mouse reverses * direction (without this reset, might have to slide mouse a * long ways back before the picture starts moving again). */ line = textPtr->scanMarkLine + (10*(textPtr->scanMarkY - y)) / (textPtr->fontPtr->ascent + textPtr->fontPtr->descent); lastLine = TkBTreeNumLines(textPtr->tree) - 1; if (line < 0) { textPtr->scanMarkLine = line = 0; textPtr->scanMarkY = y; } else if (line > lastLine) { textPtr->scanMarkLine = line = lastLine; textPtr->scanMarkY = y; } TkTextSetView(textPtr, line, 0); } else if ((c == 'm') && (strncmp(argv[2], "mark", length) == 0)) { textPtr->scanMarkLine = TkBTreeLineIndex(textPtr->topLinePtr); textPtr->scanMarkY = y; } else { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad scan option \"", argv[2], "\": must be mark or dragto", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; }