W3C Icon, linked to the W3C Home page W3C Office Funding Program


A W3C Office is a regional W3C arm that helps recruit local participation and promote W3C technology adoption in their region.

W3C rewards Offices hosts by granting them a percentage of the W3C fee from W3C members in their region. This doesn't generally compensate the cost of an Office (with staff, overhead) but Offices hosts gain a strong reputation from hosting a local representation of W3C.

In order to increase the mutual gain of W3C and the Offices hosts, we're creating an Office Funding Program, with the aim for more joined activities of Offices, their hosts and W3C, and to reward specific efforts taken by Offices that contribute to the objectives of W3C.

As of January 2011, the following financial terms will be implemented:

As of January 2013, the following financial terms will be implemented:

Who can apply ?

W3C Offices only. See our page on the Roles of a W3C office and How to Become a W3C Office.

Scope of actions

The idea of the funding program is to use the "Additional Costs" model used by some grant institutions, that is, not paying back direct office staff salaries, or overhead (building, system, admin).

Things in scope include:

The action should occur within the period considered (next semester).

The total cost of an action can be larger than the funding requested to W3C, in which case the source of the matching fund should be indicated.

Process and Schedule

The overall amount of the fund will be decided in November each year, with approval from the W3C Management and Advisory Board.

Every year, in November and May, a Call for Proposal(s) will be sent to our all our Offices for the following semester.

Information about the total amount reserved for this round and therefore the average amount allocated to each offices will be given at that point (e.g. 100K divided by 20 offices = 5K per proposal on average).This should not preclude proposal to go above that average amount, but it gives an idea of the amount available if everybody is funded equally.

This will be supported by a questionnaire WBS (for 3 proposals max) with guidelines, opened for that purpose til the end of the call month.

The Evaluation Committee will gather in December and June to review all the proposals.The results will be published just before the period starts, end of December or end of June.

The money not allocated will be put back into the fund following period.

The priorities of the Evaluation committee will be given to project proposals:

The fund will be paid to the office at the end of the period, based on invoice, and with a required final report deliverable, describing the work done and linked from the original WBS proposal.

Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee will meet in December and June each year, and examine the proposals submitted that month.

The committee is made of W3C Team-offices staff, + one AB representative + one observer from W3M.

The Evaluation meeting will not be minuted but a summary evaluation sheet will be filled for each proposal/proposer.

Following a unanimous resolution of Offices at the Offices ftf 2009 the results of the evaluation are published.


First semester 2009

Proposals: WBS1, WBS2, one mail.

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Second semester 2009

Proposals: WBS, mail1, mail2.

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

First semester 2010

Proposals: WBS

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

Second semester 2010

Proposals: WBS

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

First semester 2011

Proposals: WBS

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Second semester 2011

Proposals: WBS

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

First semester 2012

Proposals: WBS

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Second semester 2012

Proposals: WBS

Evaluation (Team, AB accessible)

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Calendar 2013 - we only did one round

Proposals: WBS

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

First semester 2014

Proposals: WBS

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Second Semester 2014

Proposals: WBS

Results of the evaluation (Offices accessible)

Last update $Date: 2011/12/27 17:49:47 $ by $Author: abird $