
Re: Announcing: w3c-collab-annotation@w3.org


> To: macarthr@w3.org (Karen MacArthur)
> Cc: w3c-collab-annotation@w3.org
> Subject: Re: Announcing: w3c-collab-annotation@w3.org 
> From: "R. Martin Roscheisen" <rmr@cs.stanford.edu>
> Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 14:30:49 -0700
> Thanks, Karen. Great.
>   >Who would like to chair this working group?
> Wayne is sort of already chairing a preliminary group in which we
> have been starting some little discussion in anticipation of this; so
> let me just suggest that he continues this for the time being (unless
> he objects of course).

If "chair" means that I'm the person that stands up in front of
the audience and makes presentations (like at the workshop), no
problems.  If "chair" means that I have to write everything down,
I would disappoint everybody, since I'm really lousy at writing
things down.

Also, I've been accepted to the PICS (Platform for Internet Content
Selection -- http://www.w3.org/PICS/) technical team, so we can
attempt to coordinate with their rating service work.  I'm starting
to interact with Paul Resnick (the PICS technical chair).  I want to
get `permission' to share the current content labeling proposal with
the rest of the annotations group.  I'm not sure `permission' is
really needed, but I want to ask Paul just to be sure.

> I guess the main point from the earlier discussion is that Dan
> LaLiberte agreed that he would do a first cut at a specification of
> such a protocol -- based on the protocols of the existing annotation
> prototypes. [Dan, can you give some idea of how you might need for
> this ?]

Luckily, Dan has already volunteered to start the writing process.
Dan and I have been sending E-mail back and forth as he tries to
extract the unwritten details of my annotation proxy server from
my brain.  We will probably dump some of that E-mail onto the mail
alias to promote further discussion.
