This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
As I understand it, given an IDL array type T[], and a platform array object A that represents a value of that type... When setting an element of A, [[DefineOwnProperty]] converts the incoming ECMAScript value to IDL type T. When fetching an element of A, [[GetOwnProperty]] *should* convert the outgoing IDL value from IDL type T to an ECMAScript value. However, in " Platform array object [[GetOwnProperty]] method", step 3.3 says: Let value be the result of converting the indexth element of the IDL array that A represents to an IDL value of type T. So I think the phrase: to an IDL value of type T should be changed to: to an ECMAScript value or maybe: from an IDL value of type T to an ECMAScript value (Note that the word "converting" is a link to IDL-to-ECMAScript conversion, which is correct.)
IDL array types T[] are dead now.