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Bug 10841 - We require a method to allow the user to control playback timing in order to have more time to understand the material.
Summary: We require a method to allow the user to control playback timing in order to ...
Alias: None
Product: HTML WG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: pre-LC1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: John Foliot
QA Contact: HTML WG Bugzilla archive list
Keywords: a11y, a11ytf, media
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-09-30 00:37 UTC by John Foliot
Modified: 2013-03-13 14:31 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

See Also:


Description John Foliot 2010-09-30 00:37:04 UTC
There is a suspicion that this is  mostly covered by but we need possibly to add some text for when the timed text itself can control the playback rate.

For more details please see:, and  (a current work effort of the media sub-team of the Accessibility Task Force)
Comment 1 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2010-10-11 22:01:58 UTC
Could you elaborate? What change to the spec would satisfy this request, and what problem would that change address, specifically?
Comment 2 Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2010-10-12 10:40:15 UTC
EDITOR'S RESPONSE: This is an Editor's Response to your comment. If you are satisfied with this response, please change the state of this bug to CLOSED. If you have additional information and would like the editor to reconsider, please reopen this bug. If you would like to escalate the issue to the full HTML Working Group, please add the TrackerRequest keyword to this bug, and suggest title and text for the tracker issue; or you may create a tracker issue yourself, if you are able to do so. For more details, see this document:

Status: Did Not Understand Request
Change Description: no spec change
Rationale: see comment 1
Comment 3 Martin Kliehm 2010-10-19 15:31:33 UTC
The bug triage sub-team adding the a11yTF keyword; John please follow-up.
Comment 4 Michael Cooper 2011-02-01 16:32:31 UTC
Bug triage sub-team assigning to John Foliot to provide additional info.
Comment 5 Michael Cooper 2013-03-13 14:31:13 UTC
UAAG20 has this covered, we consider media players that are plugins to be User Agents. If the UA is playing the media natively, then it is the UA's responsibility to provide this functionality.

2.11.5 Playback Rate Adjustment for Prerecorded Content:

The user can adjust the playback rate of prerecorded time-based media content, such that all of the following are true: (Level A)

a.    The user can adjust the playback rate of the time-based media tracks to between 50% and 250% of real time.

b.     Speech whose playback rate has been adjusted by the user maintains pitch in order to limit degradation of the speech quality.

c.     Audio and video tracks remain synchronized across this required range of playback rates.

d.     The user agent provides a function that resets the playback rate to normal (100%).