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Back to bug 9938

Who When What Removed Added
ian 2010-08-27 23:10:54 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
CC ian
Resolution --- WONTFIX
Summary No API for fullscreen? Really? Can we please have better options other than a totalitarian "you can't do it?" I thought the idea was to be better than Flash. Yet you still don't allow simple functionality such as that. Tie it to a button. Ask the user's No API for fullscreen? Really? Can we please have better options other than a totalitarian "you can't do it?" I thought the idea was to be better than Flash. Yet, you still don't allow simple functionality such as that. Tie it to a button. Ask the user's
mike 2010-10-04 14:47:50 UTC CC public-html-wg-issue-tracking
Component HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) pre-LC1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson)

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