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Back to bug 13230

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bugmail 2011-07-13 06:28:11 UTC CC bugmail
Summary In order to support all media types being sandboxed, I suggest that an application/sandbox type be proposed which supports a type parameter. For example, sandboxed text/html would be "application/sandbox; type=text/html" Use application/sandbox instead of text/html-sandboxed
bugmail 2011-07-13 06:47:40 UTC Summary Use application/sandbox instead of text/html-sandboxed Use application/sandbox with a type parameter instead of text/html-sandboxed
julian.reschke 2011-07-13 07:32:14 UTC CC julian.reschke
annevk 2011-07-13 12:37:37 UTC CC annevk
bugmail 2011-07-13 19:19:05 UTC Summary Use application/sandbox with a type parameter instead of text/html-sandboxed Need a media type-agnostic alternative to text/html-sandboxed
bugmail 2011-07-13 19:48:47 UTC Summary Need a media type-agnostic alternative to text/html-sandboxed Remove text/html-sandboxed
mike 2011-08-04 05:02:55 UTC Component HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) LC1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson)
ian 2011-08-10 01:57:26 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
CC ian
Resolution --- WONTFIX

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