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Joint WPWG / WebAuthn Discussion

Ian Jacobs

TPAC 2024
Anaheim CA, USA
23–27 SEPTEMBER 2024


Regulatory context (1 / 3)

Requirement / Recommendation Description Examples Potential Solutions: status
Dynamic linking Cryptographic evidence of consent to T&C EU, US, UK, Australia, India, Japan
  • SPC: shipping but not universal
  • txConfirmation: new
Verifier security RP need to know if authenticator meets reqs at registration and authentication EU, US, UK, Australia, India, Hong Kong
  • authnSel: with sync, AAGUID no longer available
  • UAF policies: not in WebAuthn
  • attestation: not useful as implemented

Regulatory context (2 / 3)

Requirement / Recommendation Description Examples Potential Solutions: status
Authentication factors information Some markets require that a biometric authenticator is systematically used for SCA EU, US, UK
  • uvm: not shipping
  • uvi: dropped
Device binding Where 2FA is required, possession factor is preferred for UX or may be required when used with another factor (cf NIST) EU, US, UK, Japan
  • spk (& dpk?) extension: dropped
  • SPC: new
  • DBSC: new

Regulatory context (3 / 3)

Requirement / Recommendation Description Examples Potential Solutions: status
Privacy / User consent User consent required for any personal data shared to a third party EU, USA, Australia, UK, Brazil, India, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Hong Kong
  • SPC: shipping: not universal
  • txConfirmation: new

For more details on regulatory context, see presentation from FIME/Worldline

Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC)

Key observations

Move capabilities to SPC?

Web Authentication Topics of Interest

Web Authentication Topics of Interest (continued)

After TPAC
