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Device Binding during Web Payments

Ian Jacobs

TPAC 2024
Anaheim CA, USA
23–27 SEPTEMBER 2024

Reminder of overall UX goals for Web payments

Objectives to aid in fulfilling authentication requirements

Device binding mechanisms and properties

Potential solutions in 3p context Available to this 3p across top-level sites Available at authentication w/o user interaction Key storage
Cookies (where 3p creation supported) N/A
DBSC TPM where available
WebAuthn DPK Authenticator
SPK browser-specific key TPM where available

Why not just use 3p cookies?

👍: Can be used to silently confirm for a returning user that WebAuthn can be used on this device.


Idea for how to use APIs in combination

Flow diagram illustrating how keys from different technologies (SPC, DBSC) could be used to fulfill device binding needs.

Potential good practice
