Meeting minutes
Draft Group Note update
Please feel free to correct me if I capture you incorrectly1
JJ spoke about the current state and got feedback. Some people are confused about the difference between WCAG2ICT and WCAG2Mobile, and other aspects. JJ highlighted we need to focus on mobile, but it needs to expand to all mobile varioations. So scope will be increasing. We need to see to what we are going to be aligning, probably early next year
<JJ> https://
JJ thanks detlev for trying to keep focus on native mobile
Draft note update: We have a new section - interpretation of web terms in mobile context
Jamie - since we are following WCAG2ICT this is something to review. The section needs some review
JJ also is exlcluded from scope
JJ asks us to check that our names are in the list of contributors
Jamie do we have a timeline for public comment or is it too early?
JJ no timeline yet
ACTION: Update timeline for WCAG2Mobile
<julianmka> +1 to holiday break
<Jamie> +1
<Jon_Gibbins> +1 to needing a break
JJ anyone want a break? 2 weeks?
<quintinb> +1 to break
<JJ> Break after 18 December, until....?
<Mick> I'll be away on paternity week for 5/6 weeks come 23 Dec
<julianmka> resume January 8? or 15?
<JJ> 8 January or 15 January as next meeting?
<Jon_Gibbins> Just to note for discussion afterwards: I don’t seem to have access to the repo at the moment. I can fork and submit PRs but cannot checkout the Abstract-and-Intro branch.
<julianmka> Congrats, Mick!
I am away from 18 to 8th (including those days)
<Jamie> yay Mick!
<Jon_Gibbins> I’m taking a 2-week break for Christmas, also returning Jan 6th
<Mick> Thanks all :)
<Jon_Gibbins> Congrats Mick!
<Tim> +1 to break until 8th januari (as in, I am back from my break on the 6th)
<Jamie> 2 week for me but open to 15
<Illai> Congrats Mick!
ACTION: Break from December 18 until January 8
1.4.1 Use of Color
does this include making an icon more bold?
<JJ> The syntax is `q+ to XXXX`
<Mick> +1 to JJ - I don't see that as failure
<julianmka> The issues with 1.4.1 that we had discussed before are also issues that apply to the web.
JJit has to do with hue and lightness
Jamie there is another section that mentions that setting or conveying a links visited status is not an author responsibility. Perhaps we need to talk about this regarding mobile. In concept it seems straightforward
JJ it seems more fitting for an understanding doc later
<JJ> Poll: Apply 1.4.1 Use of Color as written?
<julianmka> +1
<quintinb> +1
<Tim> +1
<Jamie> +1
<Mick> +1
<Illai> +1 With a note
Illai regarding the note: clarify the differences in technology
<Jamie> and link vs button language maybe?
ACTION: Apply 1.4.1 Use of Color directly as written, but with note to clarify differences with web
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
Please define large text
What is the smallest acceptable text size?
EN301549 suggests that providing dark mode will be required
<Mick> My recommendation would be to add requirement around Dark mode and remove the 'Large Text' variation.
Units of measurement is also difficult on different platforms
<julianmka> +1 Jamie on importance of font weight
<Aash> +1 to Jamie
<Aash> Thin typefaces are a problem
Jamie Some of the understanding docs discuss the thinness of font... This has more of an affect on smaller screens. Phones are read at more angles than screens. We need to think about bringing attention to visualising font on a phone
<Jon_Gibbins> +1 to Jamie’s point
<Illai> +1 to Jamie
Aash I think choice of font is part of the EN310549 and user choice (11.7)
Jamie it might be helpful to recommend a min text size
<Jamie> term: anti-aliasing
<julianmka> Could we go with the minimum sizes used in HIG and Material?
<Jon_Gibbins> Points are just confusing though, because “web points” are not the same as iOS points I think??
<Zakim> Jon_Gibbins, you wanted to clarify commenting on glare-related / dynamic environment issues surrounding mobile
Jon_Gibbins not sure if the apple pts map directly to print sizes
<julianmka> https://
julianmka referenced the HIG
In the small print
Can someone get my magnifying glass?
ACTION: Research measuring text sizes on Android and iOS, mapping them do dp/pt and comparing with CSS points / pixels
<Mick> +1 to julianmka point
Jamie does the increased contrast apply to apps that use system fonts, but also those with custom and hybrid content
Oh sorry
<julianmka> My previous comment: We need to account for the known contrast failures in default iOS styles
julianmka I know Samsung allows for users to download their own fonts for the system, which responds to settings. My understanding is that if you are using a complete font the user settings are always correctly applied
<Jon_Gibbins> Just clarifying my thought: WCAG 2 refers to print points (1pt = 1/72 of 1in) rather than iOS points (arbitrary levelling unit for accommodating different pixel densities). There’s a high likelihood of readers getting confused about these so I feel we need to be clear on the thresholds on this SC (1.4.3).
JJ custom fonts are a little hard on iOS
Jamie how is hybrid content affected?
Apologies to hybrid fans, but I do think hybrid should be subject to the platform on which it appears. You don't get a pass for trying to shortcut development time
ACTION: Make a list of known default Android/iOS components that fail contrast requirements
Jamie can we review the actions?
ACTION: Consider adding thinness/thickness requirements as note
ACTION: Think about effect of system settings on contrast requirements
The font sizes?
Minimum font size
ACTION: Provide guidance for dark mode / light mode (do both need to pass contrast?)
I won't be here next week, please accept apologies